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2022/5/12 * 语法: 直接引语和间接引语 2022/5/12 * 1.survey n. 调查;测验 ;测量;检查;鉴定 They were pleased with their wild survey of his work. 他们广泛审查了他的工作,很满意。 常见搭配: make a survey of sth 调查/纵观某事 We had better make a survey of the market. 我们最好做个市场调查。 a public opinion survey 民意调查 词汇拓展: n .(指人) surveyor 测量者/员; (不动产等的)鉴定员,调查官 2022/5/12 * 2. add vt. 增加;添加;补充说    vi. 加;添加;补充说 常见搭配: add sth “增加,补充说道” The fire is going out, could you add some wood? “He is very clever but a bit naughty,” he added. (2) add sth to sth把..和..相加 Add 8 to 3, you’ll have 11. 2022/5/12 * (3) add to = increase e.g: The news added to his sadness. (4) add up/together 合计,加起来 e.g: Add up the expenses, see if we could afford it. (5) add up to 总计达 e.g: The expenses add up to 1000 yuan. His income adds up to 3000 yuan a month. 2022/5/12 * 1 adj. worried, anxious, feeling unhappy about sth: * He felt upset about losing the money. 丢了钱,他感到难过 *James was upset because he had lost his ticket. 詹姆很烦躁,因为他把车票丢了。 upset= rather unhappy 2 v. 使烦乱,扰乱,使不安,使不适 upset one’s play 打乱某人的计划 upset one’s stomach 使胃不舒服 3. upset 2022/5/12 * ignore vt. to make no notice to someone or something 不理睬,忽视 *She will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm him down. *The best way to deal with an impolite person is to ignore him. n.ignorance无知,愚昧,不学无术 *His ignorance is surprising. *I was in complete ignorance of his intentions. adj. ignorant 无知识的,不知道的,愚昧的,幼稚的 be ignorant of 对…无知,不知道 4. ignore 2022/5/12 * 1 adj. quiet and not worried or excited 冷静的,平静的 It became calm after the storm. a calm day 常用词组:keep/stay/remain calm calm down /calm sb down *The police chief advised his men to stay calm and not to lose their tempers. *He tried to keep calm about it. calm down : to become or make someone less angry, excited , or worried (使)某人安静下来 Eg: She was very sad, would you please calm her down? Please ,calm down. 5. calm 2022/5/12 * have got t


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