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华东师范大学附属东昌中学 2021学年度第二学期期中考试 高一英语试卷 时间: 90分钟 总分: 120分 考试说明: 1. 考前10分钟统一发送试卷(共计10页)到班级钉钉群, 请立即打印试卷。 2. 同时发到钉钉群的还有本次考试听力录音和问卷星答题链接。 3. 听到老师指令方可开始答题, 自行播放听力录音。 4. 全程开着摄像头, 不可关闭, 不可离开摄像头范围。 5. 本场考试90分钟, 到14: 30结束, 问卷星开放时间: 14: 20-14: 40截止。 6. 注意所有题目包括翻译都需输入问卷星, 输入时不要打字错误, 提交前检查。 7. 不提前交卷。 8. 等待监考老师宣布考试结束方可离开视频会议。期间始终处于摄像头中, 不可离开或关闭摄像头, 提交后不可再使用任何电子设备(你可以协助老师监考)。 I. Listening comprehension(25分1-10每题1分, 11-20每题1. 5分) Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. By bus. B. By bicycle. C. By car. D. By taxi. 2. A. At a paint store. B. At an oil market. C. At a science museum. D. At a gallery. 3. A. Sam’s graduation day. B. Sam’s assignment. C. Sam’s excellent performance. D. Sam’s study habits. 4. A. He can handle the work with ease. B. He has a boss with a mild temper. C. He is fully engaged in his work. D. He can’t describe his duty at work. 5. A. He behaved bravely in an earthquake. B. He rescued a baby from an earthquake. C. He donated money to the earthquake-hit area. D. He saved a whole family on the carriage in an earthquake. 6. A. She is upset that she missed the TV series. B. She doesn’t like talking about TV series. C. She doesn’t think the TV series was funny. D. She is angry because she failed to enter the building. 7. A. He wants to take the most direct way. B. He is worried about missing his train. C. He may be late for Jay Chow’s concert. D. He has been caught in a traffic jam for a long time. 8. A. The dormitory hours. B. The problem with the rules. C. The door number of the dormitory. D. The time to open the dormitory. 9. A. The chairs didn’t need to be pa


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