丽声经典故事屋第一级 The Big Carrot 大胡萝卜 教学设计.docx

丽声经典故事屋第一级 The Big Carrot 大胡萝卜 教学设计.docx

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《丽声经典故事屋》(第一级) The Big Carrot 教学设计 一、教学目标 知识目标:能够通过已有经验及图片的帮助,理解故事大意;通过观察图片细节,推测故事发展;完成视觉词的朗读,提升阅读流利度。 能力目标:能够基于故事内容进行思考和讨论,完成阅读任务;能够对故事进行简单复述;能够发挥创意,改编故事。 情感态度和价值目标:能够通过阅读该故事体会到阅读的快乐;能够联系实际批判地思考问题。 二、教学重点 学生能够流利且有感情的朗读和复述故事。 三、教学难点 学生能够基于故事进行讨论,对故事进行创意改编。 四、教学用具 故事书 课件 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 教师提问: What can you see? What is the old man doing? What is he tugging? Do you think he can tug it up? Why/why not? 设计意图: 在阅读故事之前,进行话题的导入,激活学生的已知和兴趣,为后面的阅读做准备。 Step 2 Cover Talk 教师提问: What can you see from this picture? What the title of this story? What will this story talk about? Can this old man tug the big carrot up? 设计意图: 通过认识封面、作者、插图作者等信息,培养学生好的阅读习惯及文本意识;通过预测故事,培养预测能力,提高阅读兴趣。 Step 3 Picture Walk 呈现故事第2页 教师提问: What is the old man doing? What’s his name? Can Tom get the big carrot? Can he tug it up? Who will come to help? Can you show me the action of tugging? 呈现故事第3页 教师提问: Where was the gingerbread man? Who comes to tug with Tom? Can they get the big carrot? Who will come to help? 呈现故事第4页 教师提问: Who comes to help with Tom and Ifra? What’s his name? Can they get the big carrot? Who will come to help? 呈现故事第5页 教师提问: Who comes to tug with Tom, Ifra and Nick? What’s her name? Can they get the big carrot? Who will come to help? 设计意图: 教师带领学生进行图片环游,预测故事情节,培养学生预测及提问的能力。 Step 4 Read & Find Who come to help? Do they get the big carrot? 呈现故事第6页 教师提问: Who comes to help? Who will come to help? 呈现故事第7页 教师提问: Who comes to help? Can they tug the big carrot up? 呈现故事第8页 教师提问: What do they shout when they tug? 设计意图: 让学生带着问题进行思考和讨论,预测故事内容,完成阅读任务。 Step 5 Predict & Read Can they tug the carrot up? What will they do with the carrot if they tug it up? 呈现故事第9-11页 教师提问: What do they do with the big carrot? Is everyone happy with the big carrot? 设计意图: 带领学生进行预测


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