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题型解读 一篇200字左右的短文 6-7个空白根据给出单词的正确形式填空 3-4个根据上下文填写空白处所需内容 (不多于三个单词) 能力考查: 理解语篇、句子结构、 运用语法、单词拼写 根据语义, 确定词形 分析句子,确定词性 解题四步走 提示:四步走归根到底其实就是寻找依据.每一个语法填空的空格里所需的单词或短语其实都可以在所在的句子中或者上下文中找到它的依据 通读全文,理解大意 总结提升 检查搭配, 前后连贯 解题步骤: 试题导航 技巧点拨 实战演练 命题探究 课后巩固 语法填空 Canada is a country with its own distinct customs and social norms when it comes to communicating. The handshake is one of the most common and universal business communication 61_______ (tool). When meeting someone for the first time, make eye contact and extend your hand 62_________ (offer) a firm handshake. In French-speaking areas of Canada it is common to shake hands 63________ (frequent), even if meeting 64________ same person multiple times during the same day. Some Canadian men will wait for a woman to extend 65________ (she) hand for a handshake before 66________ (offer) their own hand. Canadian are, generally reserved in their body language. They do not use hand or arm gestures, 67_______ tend to emphasize points with more subtle gestures. Canadians also prefer to maintain a certain amount space when 68______ (speak) to someone and will stand at arm’s length from others. French-speaking Canadians prefer to use 69________ (big) gestures and tend to need less distance 70________ others when it comes to personal space. Canada is a country with its own distinct customs and social norms when it comes to communicating. The handshake is one of the most common and universal business communication 61_______ (tool). When meeting someone for the first time, make eye contact and extend your hand 62_________ (offer) a firm handshake. In French-speaking areas of Canada it is common to shake hands 63__________ (frequent), even if meeting 64________ same person multiple times during the same day. Some Canadian men will wait for a woman to extend 65______ (she) hand for a handshake before 66________ (offer) their own hand. Canadian are, generally reserved in their body lan


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