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高中英语Unit17Laughter-Section-Ⅱ课后演练提能-北师大版选修61 高中英语Unit17Laughter-Section-Ⅱ课后演练提能-北师大版选修61 PAGE 高中英语Unit17Laughter-Section-Ⅱ课后演练提能-北师大版选修61 Unit 17 Laughter Section Ⅱ [夯实·基础知识] Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. We must proceed with________ (谨慎). 答案:caution 2. The cat________ (抓伤) my hand. 答案:scratched 3. The professor is a specialist of studying a criminal's ________ (心理). 答案:psychology 4. You don't have any ________ (权力) for entering this house. 答案:authority 5. It is an advertising________ (活动) for a new product. 答案:campaign 6. The young man a________his mistake and made an apology to us. 答案:acknowledged 7. Many young people could not r______ playing net games. 答案:resist 8. Most of the parents agree to f______their children to smoke. 答案:forbid 9. It is no good s______someone in front of others. 答案:scolding 10. I think nursing is the best p______for me. 答案:profession Ⅱ. 选词填空 get to,fall asleep,pay attention to,forbid... from..., the first time 1. His mother ____________while he was reading a book late at night. 答案:fell asleep 2. You have made many mistakes when reading the text. You'd better ________________your pronunciation. 答案:pay attention to 3. After a long time I ________________realise I was wrong at that time. 答案:got to 4. It was__________________ they had ever met. 答案:the first time 5. We must try our best to________ people________ putting too much carbon dioxide into the air. 答案:forbid;from Ⅲ. 完成句子 1. They are talking about______________________________. 他们正在谈论如何摆脱可怕的气味。 答案:how to get rid of the terrible smell 2. ______________________and walked about the room. 他时不时地从沙发上站起来,在房间里踱来踱去。 答案:From time to time he got up from the sofa 3. The last typhoon_____________________________________ dollars' worth of damage. 上一次的台风造成上百万美元的损失。 答案:resulted in several million 4. Lost in thought,__________________________________. 沉思之中,他差一点撞到树。 答案:he almost knocked into a tree 5. ___________________ one of the finest poets in the country. 他被看作全国最优秀的诗人之一。 答案:He is gener


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