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TLRs介导的RNA病毒辨别及固有免疫应答分析 TLRs介导的RNA病毒辨别及固有免疫应答分析 PAGE / NUMPAGES TLRs介导的RNA病毒辨别及固有免疫应答分析 TLRs 介导的 RNA 病毒辨别及固有免疫应答 [ 纲要 ] 固有免疫 ( innate immunity )又称非特异性免疫 ( nonspecific immunity) ,是人体抵挡外来生物入侵的第一道防线。与适应性免疫对比,固有 免疫拥有作用范围广、 反响出现快、 参加反响的免疫细胞多、 相对稳固性和遗传 性等特色。最近几年来,固有免疫在分子水平上的辨别及调控体制愈来愈遇到关注。 哺乳动物的固有免疫辨别及调控主要经过一系列的模式辨别受体 ( pattern recognition receptor, PRR)辨别病原微生物上表达的守旧的病原体有关分子模式 ( pathogen associated molecular pattern, PAMP) 来实现,这类形式让机体不只能够发现入侵的病原体, 并且能够辨别其种类, 并经过一系列信号门路活化效应分子,辨别自我与非我, 激活与调控固有免疫应答, 并且相互共同或相互调理以形成调控网络, 进而控制并消除病原体, 在固有免疫中发挥独到的功能。 本文主要介绍 TLRs 介导的宿主细胞对 RNA 病毒感染的辨别以及固有免疫应答。 [重点字 ] 固有免疫;模式辨别受体; RNA 病毒; TLRs [Abstract] Innate immunity, also known as nonspecific immunity, is the first defense against the pathogen invasion. Compared with adaptive immunity, there are lots of characteristics of innate immunity such as the wide range of effects, rapid reaction, more immune cells involved in the reaction. In recent years, the molecular mechanism of the recognition and regulation in innate immunity has received more and more attention. The innate immune recognition and regulation of mammalian species is achieved by a series of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that recognize the pathogen associated molecular pattern (PAMPs) expressed on pathogenic microorganisms, which can not only help the body find the invasion of pathogens, but also identify its type. In this way the body can identify self and non-self and activate the innate immune response, removing pathogens. In this paper, we pay mainly attention on the recognition of host cells for RNA virus infection mediated by TLRs and the innate immune response induced . [Key words] innate immune; PAMPs; PRRs; RNA virus; TLRs; RLRs; NLRs PRRs对 PAMP 的辨别能够显然上浮参加炎症反响的基因的转录。这些基因 主要编码炎性细胞因子(趋化因子)、 I 型扰乱素( IFNI )、和抗菌蛋白等。 I 型扰乱素( IFN-α和 IFN- β)的产生在抗病毒应答反响中起着重点作用,它能够引诱影响蛋白质合成, 生长调理以及细胞凋亡的基因的表达, 同时能够加速树突 状细胞的成熟、加强自然杀伤细胞的细胞毒性以及促使病毒特异性的 T 淋巴细 胞分化成熟,进而引起机体适应性免疫应答。 [1] 宿主 PRRs 能够识其余病毒 PAMPs 包含基因组 DNA 、单链 RNA(ss-RNA)、双链 RNA (dsRNA)、5’


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