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ERCP 训练评估 专家共识 客观的标准 (重复性) 临床 技术 (熟练) 结果 (临床成功率及并发症) 熟能生巧 我们需要确定 ERCP操作的标准 其他问题 如何改善ERCP操作的技能, 需要做多少模拟器练习? 如何将模拟实习转化为临床技能? 学员愿不愿意花(额外)的时间做模拟器练习? Acknowledgement and Disclosure Joseph Leung is the inventor of the mechanical simulator and artificial papilla Robert Wilson constructs, redesigns and maintains the simulators Preliminary data on simulator training presented were obtained with the support of over 70 trainees, 60 GI nurses and 8 trainers Funding support from C.W. Law Research Fund, Educational Grants from Boston Scientific, Cook Medical and Olympus America Research support from American College Gastroenterology 温馨提示: 本PPT课件下载后,即可编辑修改, 也可直接使用。 (希望本课件对您有所帮助) * ERCP skill is divided into two parts, the technical skill which involve handling of a side viewing scope, the hand-eye coordination as well as coordinated manipulation of accessories with the assistant. In addition, the cognitive skill involve recognizing pathologies, the ability to make clinical judgment based on knowledge and skill with the procedure. * In order to be competent with ERCP, many experts will tell you that it takes hundreds of cases to be comfortable with solo performance and thousands of cases to be confident. Indeed the ASGE recommends a minimum of 180-200 cases before an endoscopist can be assessed for ERCP competence. * We need to understand that ERCP is a technically demanding procedure and carries considerable risk including morbidity and mortality. Learning ERCP involves practice of many different steps or maneuvers, and used either singly or in combination, allow us to be successful with the procedure. To some extent, ERCP experience is affected by the training process, the opportunity to practice different techniques, the clinical case volume as well as instrument used and experience of the assistant. * As seen in this table, we listed a number of things that can be done to minimize the overall risk of an ERCP procedure. However, I like to point out (as highlighted) tha


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