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前情提要 Previously on Continuum: 搞什么鬼? What the hell? 时间旅行者 你好? Time traveller, hello? 现在是哪一年? What year is this? 2012年 2012. 侦探 卡洛斯 福奈格 Detective Carlos Fonnegra. 琳达威廉姆斯 波特兰警局 Linda Williams, Portland P.D. 波特兰? Portland? 革命即将开始 The Revolution is on our schedule. 战争已经开始 War begins now. 他们持枪冲了进来 这里死了六个 They shot their way in, six dead here. 小巷里死了两个 Two in the alley. 琪拉 你的儿子几岁了? How old is your son, Keira? 今晚发生的事情够多了 That's enough for tonight. 2077年 我的时代 我的城市 我的家庭 2077, my time, my city, my family. 当恐♥怖♥分♥子♥杀害了成千上万的无辜平民 When terrorists killed thousands of innocents, 他们被判处死刑 they were condemned to die. 他们却另有图谋 They had other plans. 时间旅行装置把我们送回到六十五年前 A time travel device sent us all back 65 years. 我想回家 I want to get home. 但我无法确信如果历史被改变了 But I can't be sure what I'll return to 我会回到什么样的世界 if history is changed. 他们谋划腐化政♥府♥ 控制现在 Their planned to corrupt and control the present 以获得将来的胜利 in order to win the future. 他们意想不到的是我的出现 What they didn't plan on, was me! 超越时间线 第一季 第二集 更衣室在左边 Suit operations is on the left. 把你的CMR(细胞记忆重现装置)放在那里 You'll dump your CMR there. 向APOC寻求任务 See the APOC for an assignment. 练靶场在楼上 Firing range is upstairs. 超声波清理在楼下二层 Sonic clean's down two. 记住了? You follow? 楼下二层 知道了 长官 Down two, yes, sir. 这是管理芯片的 This is the chip guy. 我来帮你弄吧? You want me to do it? 弄什么? What? - 感觉如何? - 还好吧? - How does that feel? - Good? 是的 Yeah. 屏住呼吸 睁开眼睛 Hold your breath. Keep your eyes open. 这个东西流量能控制吗? Is there a volume control for this thing? 只需要集中精力就可以控制了 Just think it, it will happen. 习惯这个要花费点时间 It takes getting used to 但是在你皮下植入CMR芯片 but with A CMR hardwired into your cortex, 你就变成了被动信息记录者 you become a passive recorder 记录你所看到 听到 闻到的一切信息 of all that you see, hear and smell. 它能保持三十六小时以内记录的信息 It can hold up to 36 hours of vid. 不再有充满争议的证词 No more disputed testimony. 不再有错误的逮捕行为 No more bad arrests. 如果要我说 无论男女老幼 联盟里每个人 If it was me, every man, woman and child in the Union 都植入芯片 would be chipped. 姓名 编号♥ Name and Tag Number. 卡梅伦 琪拉 Camero


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