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Chapter 7: The Age of Enlightenment I. General Introduction Enlightenment (the age of reason 18th century intellectual movement starting from France the most important forerunners :John Locke and Issac Newton. Locke’s materialist theory and Newton’s theory of gravitation Major force of the enlightenment is French Philosophers  As a movement, the Enlightenment developed many ramifications: 1. In their attempt to rationalize government and law, the Enlightenment thinkers regarded government as the political expression of law. 2. As regards religion, the Enlightenment was completely secular in outlook. The tendency was toward Deism. 3. In art and literature, what coincided with the Age of Reason was a period called neoclassicism. 4. In economic thought, the rationalists believed that state interference did violence to the law of nature. 18世纪两大著名运动: 1.The American War of Independence (1776)ended British colonial rule over the U.S. <The Declaration of Independence> 独立宣 言 2.The French Revolution (1789)ended the French Monarchy and the first French Republic was born in 1792 <Declaration of the Rights of Man> 人权宣言 Napoleon Bonaparte  “Circumstances? I make circumstances!” 英雄造时 势  “Adversity is the midwife of genius.” 逆境造就天 才。  My motto has always been: a career open to all talents, without distinction of birth.“我的座右铭是: 职业不分贵贱,唯才适用。 The word 'impossible' is not in my dictionary."在我 的字典里找不到「不可能」这个字。 Life and Achievements 1769born in Corsica ,island of Mediterranean Sea  1784the military school of Paris 1795 become a general 1799 overthrow the old government and build a new government 1804become the emperor of the France 1812occupy the moscow 1813 lost the Leipzig battle 1814 lost the Paris, announce failure May. 1814 arrive at Elba March. 1815 return to Paris and begin the


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