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The Transport Chinese Foreigners The character Chinese Foreigners The live method Chinese Foreigners For Kids Chinese Foreigners In the Party Chinese Foreigners In the Public place Chinese Foreigners In the ticket office Chinese Foreigners For Public Relationship Chinese Foreigners When show people’s opinion Chinese Foreigners On weekend’s street Chinese Foreigners About Leader Chinese Foreigners About Self Chinese Foreigners Following Topics: Week 2: Chinese History Week 3: Chinese Literature Week 4: Chinese Arts Week 5: Chinese Dress and Adornment Week 6: Chinese Architecture Week 7: Chinese Education OCT 2011 Thank You 中国文化 * How is the world observed and viewed in Chinese culture? Man and Nature 人 与 自 然 1. Worldview 宇宙观 Chinese: two combining into one 中国文化呈环性,人与自然、凡与神均合二为一,环抱涵容,注重二元的依存和统一。 Tao consists in Yin and Yang. The Book of Changes (600 BC) 《易经》:一阴一阳之谓道。 Chinese: circular enclosure Philosophical Concept: Tao (道) Tao gave birth to the One; the One gave birth successively to two things, three things, up to ten thousand. These ten thousand creatures cannot turn their backs to the shade (Yin) without having the sun (Yang) on their bellies, and it is this blending of the breaths (Yin and Yang) that their harmony depends. 老子:道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和。 《道德经》第42章 Lao Tzu (571- 471 BC) 天地与我并生,而万物与我为一。 Heaven and earth co-exist with me, and I am identified with everything in the universe. 庄子(369 – 286 BC) Tao is ubiquitous, eternal and inexplicable. 道的普遍性、永恒性和深奥性 Chinese: circular enclosure Philosophy: Tao (Yin and Yang) Lao-tzu, Chuang-tzu, Dong Zhongshu Idioms 天人感应,天理人情,天从人愿,  天怒人怨,天意人缘,天与人归... 合而为一的环性宇宙观注重二元的依存和统一,有利于发展伦理改革社会,在天人和谐中求生存。 OCT 2011 2. Core Values 价值观 collectivism-oriented and duty-based 中国文化以团体主义为导向,以义务为基准。 Chinese circular integrity 整体向心,群体价值取向 Harmonizing community relationships, actualizing community objectives and safeguarding communi


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