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高垄整地(增加地温、光照) 营造松林 油松幼林 云南省大力推行“选一块好地,挖一个大塘,施一担农家肥,种一株优质苗,浇一桶定根水,盖一块地膜,围一圈篾(篾 miè 劈成条的竹片,亦泛指劈成条的芦苇、高粱秆皮等)笼”的“七个一”造林技术标准,有力推进了以核桃为主的特色经济林的迅猛发展。2007年。 Site preparation: Harvesting, partial harvest with residual maple overstory, full tree skidding (Aspen/birch stand, MN) Site preparation: Harvesting, full tree skidding, random skidding,Quaking aspen stand (MN) Conditions following harvest operation that are scheduled for prescribed burning Prescribed burning by drip torches Diversity of regeneration conditions in partial harvests – skid trail versus unharvested patch. Aspen/birch harvested and maples were left as residuals (MN) Prescribed burning that burned too hot, damaging soil (OR)Not commonly used anymore Site preparation: Removal of all organic matter, not done anymore because of environmental impact Site preparation w/ cat and simple blade to reduce slash blade is lifted repeatedly to limit removal of organic matter Site preparation: Blade w/ teeth to minimize removal of organic matter Site preparation: Shearing to cut aspen stems Site preparation: Rotating plow Site preparation: Rotating plow Site preparation using Braake, does not move slash, limited to planting spots Site preparation: Braake Site preparation: Limited to rows, to facilitate planting Note other vegetation requiring future release treatments Site preparation: Experimental bucket mounding (not used operationally) to Create microtopograpy for northern white cedar regeneration (MI) Site preparation: Bucket mounding 10-years later 造林地整地程序包括,造林地清理和造林地整地两个方面。 林木速生、丰产、优质与个体遗传基础,群体结构和环境条件有关,造林地整地主要是改善林木生长的环境条件(主要指土壤条件),造林地整地是人工林培育的一项主要技术措施。正确、细致、适时整地,对于提高造林成活率,促进幼林生长,实现人工林速生,丰产,优质具有重要作用。 一、造林地清理意义 整地的程序包括造林地清理 造林地整地。 造林地清理:是造林地整地前的一道工序 清理对象:造林地的灌木、杂草、竹类、采伐迹地上的梢头、伐根、倒木等,并不是任何造林地都应进行清理。山东省大多不需要清理。 清理目的:改善立地条件和林地卫生状况,同时为整地、抚育管理及林木生长创造良好条件。 §18-1 造林地清理 二、造林地清理方式和方法 方式:带状清理,全面清理,块状清理。 总之清理方式要据:造林地植被种类、覆盖率,采伐剩余物数量及分布情况,整地方式,清理方法,造林方式,经济条件状况等确定。 §18-1 造林地清理 地类 应用条件 全面清理


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