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欢迎阅读 人生哲理的句子英语 导读:   1、时光即美好又残忍,所以,要珍惜,也要珍重。   Time is beautiful and cruel, so we should cherish it as well as cherish it.   2、那些花了好久才想明白的事,总是会被偶尔的情绪失控全部**。   Something that takes a long time to figure out is always overthrown by occasional emotional runaway.   3、过程和结果一样重要,两点你尽量做好一点就行。   The process is as important as the result. You can do two things as well as you can.   4、烟花绽放的美丽,就像你在我身边一样;樱花漫舞的美丽,就像我们快乐的时光   The beauty of fireworks blooming, just like you around me; the beauty of cherry blossoms dancing, just like our happy time   5、人生三大遗憾:不会选择;不坚持选择;不断地选择。   There are three regrets in life: not choosing; not insisting on choosing; constantly choosing.   6、人只有为自己同时代人的完善,为他们的幸福而工作,他才能达到自身的完善。   Only when a man works for the perfection of his contemporaries and for their happiness can he achieve his perfection.   7、人总是要彻底失去一个人的时候,才能体会到什么是无法瓦解的恐惧。   People always have to lose a person completely before they realize what is the fear that can not be dismantled.   8、当一个人感到很知足,心不烦,身不疲,无所求,心能安的时候,快乐就在其中。   When a person feels satisfied, not upset, not tired, no need, peace of mind, happiness is in it.   9、懂我的人,不必解释。不懂我的人,何必解释。   People who understand me don't have to explain. If you don't understand me, why explain?   10、人生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度。   The value of life is measured by what others do for the present age.   11、别整天抱怨生活对你怎样不好,你不努力,怎么会有底气,新的一天,继续加油!   Don't complain all day about how bad life is for you. If you don't work hard, how can you have the courage to continue refueling for a new day?   12、准备要周全,然后随遇而安。   Prepare thoroughly and then settle down as you see fit.   13、不是某人使你烦恼,而是你拿某人的言行来烦恼自己。   It's not someone who annoys you, it's you who annoys yourself with someone's words and deeds.   14、岁月还漫长,你心地善良,终会有一人陪你骑马喝酒走四方。   Years are still long, you are kind-hearted, there will eventually be a person to accompany you on horseback and drink around.   15、你会渐渐的去发现,你需要不停的去说服自己的,你所做的根本不是自己想要的。   You will gradually find that you need to persuade yo


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