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江苏网上景点订票系统的分析与设计 江苏网上景点订票系统的分析与设计 摘 要 随着时代的发展,人们的生活质量不断提高,网络不断渗透到人们的生活中,增加了日常便捷度。生产经营中也开始离不开计算机技术的支持和管理。此时,旅游的电子商务化应时而生。为了旅游业能够更好的发展,通过网络技术来管理、发布旅游信息、呈现更多的旅行主题信息,以满足出游人群对景点周边衣食住行的需求。旅游网络化顺应时代需求。在网上景点订票系统中,用户可以登录、注册自己的账号,浏览网站中发布的旅游路线和相关信息,并且用户可以在线预定旅游主题、机票、酒店等。为用户提供一站式的服务。管理员可更新的旅游相关信息,并且能对用户及网站中的各部分功能进行管理,以保证网站高效、准确地运行。 本系统是一个综合性的网上景点订票系统,开发平台为Visual Studio 2010,使用的开发用具有Microsoft?Visual?Studio、SQL?Sever,使用C#语言和ASP.NET为语言基础来设计开发,系统界而友好、功能强大、使用方便。本文详细说明了系统可行性分析、需求分析、业务流程分析、数据流程分析、系统详细设计等内容。可以同时支持多个客户端口访问服务器,为能更方便、更有效、更快捷的宣传旅游文化做出积极的贡献。 关键字:景点订票系统 ASP.NET SQL Sever Abstract With the development of the times, people's quality of life continues to improve, the network continues to penetrate into people's lives, increasing the daily convenience. Production and management can not begin without the support and management of computer technology. At this point, the tourism e-commerce should be born sometimes. In order to better develop the tourism industry, through the network technology to manage, publish tourist information, and show more travel theme information, in order to meet the needs of people traveling around the attractions of basic necessities of life. Tourism network meets the needs of the times. In this travel website, the user may login, registers own account number, looks at the website to publish the traveling route and the related information, moreover the user may book the traveling theme, the airline ticket, the hotel and so on on-line. Provide one-stop service to users. The administrator can update the travel related information, and can manage the function of each part of the user and the website, so as to ensure the efficient and accurate operation of the website. This system is a comprehensive tourism website, the development platform for the Visual Studio 2010, with Microsoft Visual Studio, SQL Sever use development, the use of C# language and ASP.NET language as the basis to design and development, the syst


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