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小型课程信息管理系统 PAGE PAGE 1 摘  要 在网络发展越来越迅猛的今天,各种公司都不会放过这么一个巨大的市场。网上直销的方式因其节省了大量的人力物力,必然成为首选。特别是中小型企业和一些初期创业者,由于进入网络市场的低门槛,也会想要借此机会一展拳脚。因此他们对网上直销系统的需求会特别急切,但同时他们对网站的要求并不高,只要能够正确和直接的反映他们产品的价格和特点及较好的安全性,而且能够有人长期帮助企业做好系统和网站的更新和维护。像在电子商务上经营很成功阿里巴巴和其下属子网站淘宝网就是最好的例子。 本次毕业设计我们选择了网上订餐系统,本系统采用B/S模式:与传统的C/S模式相比,B/S结构把处理功能全部移植到了服务器端,用户的请求通过浏览器发出,无论是使用和数据库维护上都比传统模式更加经济方便。而且使维护任务层次化:管理员负责服务器硬件日常管理和维护,系统维护人员负责后台数据库数据更新维护。采用B/S模式,突破传统的文件共享模式,为网上订餐的设计提供新的解决方案。借助ASP.NET的WEB应用程序,用户通过Browser软件连接后台数据库并完成做操作, B/S模式的网上订餐系统,数据维护方便客户端无需专用的软件,有较好的网络扩展性,支持TCP/IP协议直接接入Internet,同时对于B/S模式而言,程序和数据的物理位置已经不再是那么重要了,访问者所关心的只是它们的URL就可以了。本系统使用ASP.NET技术:是微软推出的动态Web设计技术,是用于WWW服务的服务器端脚本环境,在站点的Web服务器上解释脚本,可产生并执行动态、交互式、高效率的站点服务器应用程序。 关键词: 网上订餐;ASP.NET;SQL SERVER 2005; Abstract In IIn today's rapidly growing network development, all kinds of companies will not give up such a huge market. Online direct marketing approach because of its save a lot of manpower and material resources, will inevitably become the first choice. Especially small and medium enterprises and some early entrepreneurs, due to low barriers to entry into the network will want to take this opportunity worthy of a dip. So they needs of the system of online direct marketing will be particularly pressing, but their website does not require a high, as long as the correct and direct reflection of the prices of their products and features and better security, but also allow some people to help businesses make long-term Good systems and web site updates and maintenance. As in e-commerce business is very successful son of Alibaba and its affiliated Web site Taobao is the best example. The graduation project we have chosen an online food reservation system, the system uses B / S mode: with the traditional C / S model compared to, B / S structure to deal with all functions migrated to the server-side, the user's request sent through the browser , both the use and database maintenance is more economical than the trad


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