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2010年度重庆市高等学校双语教学示范课程 《金融英语》授课教案 重庆工商大学融智学院金融系信用管理教研室 《金融英语》课程组 二0一一年十一月 《金融英语》授课教案 Chapter 1:About Money (第一章 关于货币) [教学目的] 温习在《金融学》中已经学过的有关货币起源、特点、职能及类型的基础知识,掌握相应的英语词汇和表达方式。 [教学重点与难点]货币的特征、职能;货币发展的沿革。 [教学时数] 2学时 [教学方法与手段] 多媒体教学,讲授 I.Origin of Money Primitive society ( during early times)特点在于:self-sufficient, which means that each economic unit produced all it consumed and consumed all it produced, so their wants could be met by themselves. 此处辨析解释economy, economic的含义。 由此引出Barter物物交换,以物易物 1)requirement: double-coincidence of wants 需求的双重耦合(举例说明) 2)drawbacks of barter: = 1 \* GB3 ① Wants cannot be precisely matched; = 2 \* GB3 ② The problem of value determination. = 3 \* GB3 ③ The indivisibility of large items. II.What is Money?(逐点讲解) Functions(职能) medium of exchange (交易媒介) measurement of value (价值尺度) store of value (贮藏手段) standard of deferred payment (支付手段) Characteristics: 1) Generally acceptable 2) Durable 3) Portable 4) Divisible 5) Uniform 6) Counterfeit proof 7) Stable in value III.Money in Modern Society IV.Writing: About Money in My Mind 课后自主学习阅读材料:The International Financial World (国际金融界) 附: The International Financial World Economic activity began with the caveman, who was economically self-sufficient. He did his own hunting, found his own shelter, and provided for his own needs. As primitive populations grew and developed, the principle of division of labor evolved. One person was more able to perform some activity than another, and therefore each person concentrated on what he did best. While one hunted, another fished. The hunter then traded his surplus to the fisherman, and thus each benefited from the variety of diet. In today’s complex economic world neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient. Nations have utilized different economic resources; people have developed different skills. This is the foundation of world trade and economic activity. As a result of this trade and activity,


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