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摘 要 随着人类社会的不断进步,科学技术的高速发展,工程机械在各行业中得到了很好的运用。然而,在不同的环境下对挖掘机等工程机械的大小、性能的要求有所不同,各种性能参数决定其工作环境。工程机械在国民生产中有着很重要的位置,它在很大程度上取代了原始的、落后的生产工具,他在现今中国和世界的飞速发展的今天功不可没。 本次设计的主要内容是:EXB300型液压挖掘机行走驱动装置及液压回路,绘制装配图和液压回路图。动力选择及有关参数确定:马达参数确定,部件设计计算,主要零件校核,液压回路设计,编写说明书。 本设计的主要特点是:方案设计中从可靠性、可实现性、综合性能等进行方案比较,选择方案。技术设计中应考虑总体配置合理、安全;选材加工方法和技术条件可行;制图正确、标注齐全符合国家标准。充分注意整机各子系统之间相关性,力求整机性能的一致性和优化性。 关键词:履带式;液压挖掘机;行走减速器;液压回路 The Design on the Overall Waking Device and Reducer of the EXB300 Hydraulic Excavator Abstract With the continuous progress of human society,the rapid development of science and technology,engineering machinery in all walks of life have been in good use.However,in different circumstance,excavators and other construction machinery on the size,performance requirements are different,various performance parameters to determine their working environment.Construction machinery in the national production in a very important position,it largely replaced the original,backword production tools,in present-day China and the rapid development of the world. The design for the main elements:EXB300 hydraulic excavator drives and hydraulic circuits, assembly drawing and hydraulic circuit diagram. Power options and related parameters: motor parameter determination, component design calculations, checking the main parts, hydraulic circuit design. Written instructions. The design for the main features are:design in a variety of programme,from the reliability,can be realized,such as comprehensive performance programme,the options, Technical design should be considered in the overall allocation of reasonable safety; selection,processing methods and technical conditions feasible;correct mapping, tagging complete with national standards. Key Words:Crawler, Hydraulic excavators, Walking reducer, Hydraulic circuit. 太原科技大学毕业设计(论文)任务书 (由指导教师填写发给学生) 学院(直属系): 机械工程学院 时间:13年 2 月 26 日 学 生 姓 名 张文来 指 导 教 师 史青录 设计(论文)题


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