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2022英语六级练口语记单词:R字头 B: Great, I hope that it helps the various different nationalities in the country. racism n.1.种族卑视,种族偏见; 2.种族主义 A: Would you like to have a game of tennis? B: I’d love to, but I don’t have a racket. racket n.1.喧嚷,吵闹; 2.敲诈,讹诈,诈骗; 3. (网球等的)球拍 A: You l k radiant tonight. B: Thanks for the compliment. radiant a.1.容光焕发的,喜形于色的; 2.光线四射的,光芒绚烂的; 3.辐射的 A: Wow, the weather was hot today. B: Yes, the sun radiated great heat. radiate v.1.发出(光或热),辐射; 2.流露,显示 A: I heard that radioactive waste was dumped into the sea. B: I know, isn’t it shocking? radioactive a.放射性的,有辐射能的 A: I want to rent a house within two mile radius of my workplace. B: That is a sensible decision. radius n.1.半径,半径范围; 2.四周,范围 A: Did you buy a new computer? B: No, I won it in a raffle. raffle n.对奖售物,抽彩 vt.(off)用对奖方法出售 A: How did you travel down the river? B: We built a raft and floated down it. raft n.1.木排,木筏; 2.充气救生筏,救生圈 vt.用筏子运送 vi.乘筏子渡河 A: Did you climb to the top of the mountain? B: No, the cliffs were too ragged and dangerous to climb. ragged a.1. (衣服)破旧的,褴褛的; 2.衣衫褴褛的; 3.不规章的,参差不齐的, 凸凹不平的; 4.粗糙的,不完善的,差劲的 A: I want to do some gardening, did you see the rake? B: Yes, it is in the garage. rake n.1.耙,草耙,钉齿耙; 2.斜度,倾角 vi.1.耙 ; 2.搜寻,核查 vt.1.耙集,耙平,耙松; 2.扫射,扫过 rake in 大量敛集(钱财) rake up 1.耙集,集拢,耙开,扒开; 2.翻出(旧事等)重提 A: I am constructing a ramp to avoid the steps up to my building. B: Good, that will take it accessible to wheelchairs. ramp n.1.斜面,坡道; 2.活动舷梯,轻巧梯 A: The rats are rampant on my farm. B: Why do ’t you get a cat to kill them? rampant a.1. (犯罪、疾病等)猖獗的,肆虐的; 2. (植物)蔓生的,过于繁茂的 A: How many horses do you have on your ranch? B: Oh, I have both trained and wild horses, but I’m not sure how many. ranch n.1.大牧场; 2.饲养场 A: You were lucky to get into this university. B: I was indeed lucky, I chose it at random. random a.任意的,随机


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