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表达情绪: 喜怒忧爱惧 Expressing em otions : joy, anger, sadness, love and fear sth. puts m e on edge.…让我很焦虑不安/烦躁不安。 be on edge感到烦躁不安/焦躁/如坐针毡 It is the feeling of getting ready to feel afraid You feel that something or someone might become dangerous, so you want to be more careful and aware. on edge是一种高于不安、近乎于害怕的感觉,因为觉得某件事情 不靠谱甚至很危险而不得不多操心、更警觉。 sth. puts m e on edge.…让我很焦虑不安/烦躁不安。 be on edge感到烦躁不安/焦躁/如坐针毡 When he talks about how much he loves knives, it really puts me on edge.他一说起他有多喜欢刀具,就真是让我有点害怕。(怕他 行凶) Ever since I saw him punch a hole in the wall I ve constantly been on edge around him.自从我看 他在墙上打了洞,我在他身 边就一直如坐针毡。(怕这个人稳定) That freaks me out./“That s freaking m e out.” 这要把我吓坏了。 freak sb. out / sb. freak out-This type of fear is being alar med and frightened, or so metimes upset 这种害怕是感到警觉或者是被吓了一跳,有的时候还恼火。 That freaks me out/“Thaf s freaking m e out.” 这要把我吓坏了。 区别: That freaks me out - Usually describes a fact about something that scares you你总是害怕的一类行为、事情或现象;说话人当 时不一定感到害怕。 Dori t throw scissors; it freaks me out 别乱扔剪刀;我怕着呢。 No, I dorf twant to see your pet snake. Snakes freak m e out 另山 我不想看你的宠物蛇。我可怕蛇了。 That freaks me out”/lhaf s freaking m e out.” 这要把我吓坏了。 区别: That s freaking me out - expresses a current emotion 对一件具体的事 当场感到害怕。 Why is your face so pale suddenly? It s freaking me out Im going to call an ambulance.你脸怎么我就白了?吓到我了。我要叫救护 了。 Can you stop making that noise? My dog is freaking out and worf t stop barking and crying.能不能别发出那个噪声了?我的狗吓坏了,嚎叫个不 停。 That scared the out of me!吓死我了 ! /把我吓出一了 ! /吓得我—都没 了。 被猛得吓了一跳。 空里常常填的词:crap, living daylights, shit, bejeezus/ bejesus(pronounced buh1 jesus),hell, life 类似表达:That scared the pants off of me! 吓得我裤子都掉了! 2. Love (友情、亲情、爱情) Friendship love/Platonic love - 友爱/知己 I love you (as a friend.)我爱你。 This one depends on the context and individual relationship of the two fiiends. It is norm al for fem ale friends to openly declare that they love each other; as long as the context is not explicitly rom antic. 闺蜜之间可以直接说I love you.如果用在异性身上,最好加上as a


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