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仁爱版九年级英语上册全册同步检测试题(共18套附答案) Revieof Unit 1-2 综合能力演练 【巩固练习】 I单项选择。 (每小题1分,共15分) 2— —Not yet! People’s Hospital now A butB andC orD since 4 You’ Aso thatBas Cas ifD since 5— —Yes, I have 6— — Kungfu A playsB playedCto playD playing 8— — recent years 10—Wereallyshouldn’tuseplasticbagsanymorewhenwe go shopping —_____ It’ A So do IB With pleasureC That’s OKD So it is 同义替换) ’ because they are not serious enough at that age (同义替换) 【真题链接】 it 14 Bob hasgotgoodexam resultsHisparentsare proudof his ______ A successB chanceC ideaD dream 15 Excuse me, can you tell me ? II完形填空。(每空1分,共10分) NaturalresourcesarethingsthatweusethatefromEarth Outnaturalresourcesarelimited(有限的) Thismeansthatthey netree whenyou2one downOthersarenot you dig coal(煤) People realize the 4 that Earth’s natural resources are limited,andcan do thingsto help conserve(节约 )those resources ou tryto conservea natural resource,youtryto use less ofit,so it doesnot getusedup so 6 Onewaythat people conservefuel,likegasoline,is byridinga bicycleor walking when the 7 is short instead of driving everywhere Water is a very important natural resource because we all needit to stay8 Wecan conservewater9makingsure that our pipes and taps do not leak(漏) We can also make 10 choices to conserve water, like only using the dishwasher or washing machine when they are full Everyone can make contributions to protecting natural resources 1 A last B spread C burn D change 2 A turn B cut C put D move 3 A station B building C ground D brick 4 A news B plan C decision D fact 5 A When B Although C Whatever D Whether 6 A slowly B hard C regularly D fast 7 A money B space C place D distance 8 A alive B alo


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