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晚安,月亮;In the great green room There was a telephone And a red balloon And a picture of- 在绿色的大房间里, 有一部电话, 一个红气球, 还有一幅画——;The cow jumping over the moon.And there were three little bears sitting on chairs 画里是一只母牛跳过了月亮;另一幅画里是三只小熊坐在椅子上。;And a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush And a quiet old lady who was whisperinghush” 还有一把梳子,一把刷子,和满满的一碗的玉米粥。 还有一位安静的老奶奶,正在轻轻的说“嘘”。;And two little kittens And a pair of mittens And a little toyhouse And a young mouse 还有两只小猫和一副手套。 一个玩具房子和一只小老鼠。;Goodnight room 晚安,房间。;Goodnight moon. Goodnight cow jumping over the moon 晚安,月亮。晚安,跳过月亮的母牛。;Goodnight light And the red balloon Goodnight bears Goodnight chairs 晚安,灯光,还有红气球。 晚安,小熊。 晚安,椅子。;Goodnight kittens.And goodnight mittens 晚安,小猫。晚安,手套。;Goodnight clocks.And goodnight socks 晚安,大钟。晚安,袜子。;Goodnight little house And goodnight mouse Goodnight comb And goodnight brush 晚安,小房子。 晚安,小老鼠。 晚安,梳子。 晚安,刷子。;Goodnight nobody Goodnight mush 晚安,不在这里的人儿。 晚安,玉米粥。;And goodnight to the old lady whispering “hush" 晚安, 小声说“嘘”的老奶奶。;Goodnight stars.Goodnight air 晚安,星星。晚安,天空。;Goodnight noises everywhere 晚安,所有角落里的声音。;感谢您下载觅知网提供的原创PPT作品,为了您和觅知网以及原创作者的利益,请勿复制、传播、销售,否则将承担法律责任!觅知网将对作品进行维权,按照传播下载次数进行十倍的索取赔偿! 1、在觅知网出售的PPT模板是免版税类(RF:Royalty-Free)正版受《中华人民共和国著作法》和《世界版权公约》的保护,作品的所有权、版权和著作权归觅知网所有,您下载的是PPT模板素材的使用权。 2、不得将觅知网的PPT模板、PPT素材,本身用于再出售,或者出租、出借、转让、分销、发布或者作为礼物供他人使用,不得转授权、出卖、转让本协议或者本协议中的权利。 3、禁止将作品输入商标或者服务标记使??;感谢观看晚安,月亮;In the great green room There was a telephone And a red balloon And a picture of- 在绿色的大房间里, 有一部电话, 一个红气球, 还有一幅画——;The cow jumping over the moon.And there were three little bears sitting on chairs 画里是一只母牛跳过了月亮;另一幅画里是三只小熊坐在椅子上。;And a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush And a quiet old lady who was whisperinghush” 还有一把梳子,一把刷子,和满满的一碗的玉米粥。 还有一位安静的老奶奶,正在轻轻的说“嘘”。;And two little kittens And a pair of mittens And a little toyhouse And a young mouse 还有两只小猫和一副手套。 一个玩具房子和一只小老鼠。;Goodnight room 晚安,房间。;Goodnight moon. Goodnight cow jumping over the moon 晚安,月亮。晚安,跳过月亮的母牛。;Goodnight light And the red balloon Go


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