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苏教版2015年一年级语文下册期中试卷 Center Primary School Midterm Teaching Quality Survey Paper (2015.4) Grade 1 Chinese I。Vocabulary (16 points) 1.Look at the pinyin and write the words (10 points) liànxílíhuāmùmínbùgǔgōngkè yǐh?uhuān yíngcān guānsànbùbiāo qiāng 2.Fill in the blanks with the correct characters (6 points) 驰跳跑 春风姐姐吹醒了池塘,青蛙在池边跳,骏马在草原上奔跑。 小朋友边跑边唱:“春天来了!春天来了!” 进尽近 最近,我用尽力气努力研究,所以我的成绩进步了。 II。Memory Playback (50 points) 1.Complete the following words (4 points) 雷动()暖()开 野性()()()()高超 2.Change the radical of the character and form words (6 points) 红江(长江) 地()处()床() 3.Fill in the blanks according to the text (37+3 points) 1) The well digger always missed Xi。(2) The teacher had to cover the copybook with paper and draw on it until he became proficient。then he could write according to the copybook. 3) Raindrops appeared. 4) Bamboo shoots sprouted. 5) I said。"Grandma。if I worry。will it change?" Grandma stroked my head and laughed. 6) Guess: "There are those who can travel thousands of miles。those who can farm。those who are not human。and those who can control water." - The answer to this riddle is fish. 7) Match the poem lines correctly。connect them with lines。and read them again。(3 points) A mother's hands are busy with thread。while the east wind sets free a paper kite. In the drizzling rain of the Qingming Festival。the traveler's coat was wet through. Children returning from school early。on the deserted road。the sight of other travelers made them feel lonely. III。Reading Paradise (20 points) Soil。overturned。one by one from the ground In the ocean。in the ocean. I) In early spring。before the cold had completely dissipated。the mountain was full of blooming plum blossoms。The blooming plum blossoms were next to each other。like colorful clouds under the blue sky。Each plum blossom was crystal clear and emitted a faint fragrance. 1.Count the number of sentences in this paragraph。(2 points) 2.Choose the correct n for the underlined characters and mark them with "√"。(3 points) 晶(jīngjī


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