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《英语语言学概论》课程教学大纲 课程代码:ENGL2016 课程类别:专业必修课 授课对象 :英语、英语教育 开课学期:秋(第 5 学期) 学 分:2 主讲教师 :徐健等 : 指定教材 戴炜栋、何兆熊等,《新编简明英语语言学教程》,上海外语教育出版社,2002 年第一版 教学目的: 教学目的: 《英语语言学概论》是普通高校英语专业学生的必修课程,是进一步学习其它语 言学分支课程的先决条件。 本课程旨在介绍语言学的基本理论和概念;培养学生对于人类 语言主要特性和基本元素的感性和理性认识;使学员逐步形成对语言现象进行观察、思考以 及抽象概括的能力;为部分同学将来进一步从事语言文学研究打好基础。 第一章 Introduction 课时:1周,共2课时 教学内容 第一节 What Is Linguistics? 第二节 What is Language? 思考题: 1. What does “language” mean? 2. “Language” is human-specific.” How would you interpret this statement? 3. Would you say that language is arbitrary? What would language be like if it were not arbitrary? 4. What is linguistics? 5. What is the difference between descriptive linguistics and prescriptive linguistics? 6. What is the difference between diachronic linguistics and synchronic linguistics? 第二章 Phonology 课时:1周,共2课时 教学内容 第一节 The Phonic Medium of Language 第二节 Phonetics 第三节 Phonology 思考题: 1. What is phonetics? 2. In what ways do vowels differ from each other? 3. What is difference between narrow transcription and broad transcription? 4. What is a phoneme? How is it from a speech sound? 5. What is an allophone? How is it related to a phoneme? 6. How do we determine sentence stress? 第三章 Morphology 课时:1周,共2课时 1 教学内容 第一节 Morphology 第二节 Morphemes 第三节 Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes 第四节 Morphological Rules 第五节 Compounds 思考题 1. What is morphology? 2. What is a morpheme? 3. What are the major processes of word formation in English? 4. What is a function word? And what is a lexical word? 第四章 Syntax 课时:3周,共6课时 教学内容 第一节 What Is Syntax? 第二节 Categories 第三节 Phrases Structure Rule 第四节 Phrases Elements 第五节 Sentences 第六节 Transformations 思考题 1. What is Immediate Components (IC) Analysis? 2. How do you understand a construction in IC analysis? 3. What is Transformational-Generative grammar? 4.



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