Revision 2大单元整体教学设计 英语四年级上册(Join in 外研剑桥英语).docx

Revision 2大单元整体教学设计 英语四年级上册(Join in 外研剑桥英语).docx

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Revision 2 单元主题:Revision 2 单元教材分析: Knowledge objectives: Revise the words in Units 46. Revise the sentences and dialogues in Units 46. B.Ability objectives: 能运用句型“Can …? Yes,…can./ No, …can’t.”简单交际。 能用“Is/Are there ...?”询问、获取信息,并能介绍场所的功能。 能用句型“I’m /He’s/She’s from… I have got … .I like…. C.Emotion objectives: 激发孩子们对运动才艺的热爱。 培养孩子们的自信心,乐于与别人交流。 培养综合阅读的能力。 学情分析: 大部分学生对各单元内容掌握得较好,但缺少综合运用的能力。还有一部分学生每个单元的词汇等没有学好,也遗忘了很多。 针对这些情况,可以分单元综合复习。 主备人: 谭熔 参与教师:何淑芳 龙芬 胡熳 单元课时安排: Period 1: 2,4,5,6,8,9. Period 2:1,3,7,10. 主备人 谭熔 参与教师 何淑芳 龙芬 胡熳 课题 Revision 2 (Part 2,4,5,6,8,91) 课型 Revision 教学目标 Knowledge objectives: The new words of the pictures in Units 4&5. Ability objectives:Can write the words correctly. Can say the sentences . Emotion objectives:Set up the Ss’ self-confidence.. 教学重点 The new words of the pictures 教学难点 Can write the words correctly. Can say the sentences . 教师课前准备 PPT word- cards 学生课前准备 Listen and learn to say the words. 课时安排 The first period 过程 师生教学活动设计 教师活动 学生活动 个性教学设计 课堂导入 1. Show a picture of a school. Write down the words of places. 2.Talk about each places. We can play sports on the playground. 1.Look and write. 2.Talk in pairs. 合作探究 Look at the pictures on page 52. Read the words. Write them on the correct places. Teach:washroom. Talk about each places like this. We have computer class in the computer room. Look through the pictures. .Learn to read the words. Learn the word: washroom. 交流展示 Talk about your school. Is your school..? Has your school got a …? Is/Are there …? How many… are there …?. Group work 归纳小结 Has got /have got … There is /are…. Compare the phrases. 当堂训练 Say the sentence in pairs . Then Group work. Ask and answer in pairs. Do the exercises. 作业设计 必做题: Read and write the place words by heart. 选做题:Write about your school. 板书设计 Revision 2 Unit 4 School Is/Are there …? Has/Have …got…? 教学反思 教学效果自评 主备人 谭熔 参与教师 何淑芳 龙芬 胡熳 课题 Revision 2 Part 1,3,5,6,7,10 课型 Revision 教学目标 Knowledge objectives: Understand the sports phrases. Revise



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