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2022年江苏省扬州市仪征胥浦中学高三英语联考试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. If there were no exams and parents meetings, high school life __ much enjoyable. A.will be???????? ?????????? B.must be?????? ?? C.would be??????? ???????????? D.would have been 参考答案: C 2. —You seem familiar with Mr. John? —Of course, we ______ together for three years. I haven’t seen him since I came to Ji’an in 2010. A. have worked B. had worked C. are working D. worked 参考答案: D 3. ---He is a very hard-working student. ?? ---________. As far as I know, he often burns the midnight oil. ?? A. You can say that again ? B. Absolutely not C. Heaven knows.?? D. No way 参考答案: A 4. High school students will be better aware of _____ the real world is like by participating in community service. A. that B. how C. what D. where 参考答案: C 【详解】考查宾语从句。句意:通过参加社区服务,高中生会更好地意识到现实世界是什么样的。A. that那个;B. how如何;C. what什么;D. where哪里。本句中be aware of做谓语,其后跟的是宾语从句;又由于宾语从句中缺少介词like的宾语,所以要用what引导。故选C项。 【点睛】名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句)的连接词的用法依据原则是:缺什么补什么,即缺什么意思就补什么意思的词。因而,正确理解句子意义和分析句子很重要。本句中,首先看到主句中用到了be aware of 整体来充当谓语,因而之后都是宾语;再结合从句的句子结构分析,就可知道缺少介词like的宾语,结合选项各自的含义和用法,即可做出正确答案。 5. ______ I toured Hangzhou, I was deeply impressed with its attractive scenery.? A. For the first time? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? B. At the first time C. First time?? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? D. The first time 参考答案: D 6. Dr. Johnson, ______ a portable computer in his hands, hurried into his office and______ it on to get online for information he needed. ? A. carried; turned?? B. carrying; turning? C. carrying; turned?? D. carried; turning 参考答案: C 7. —Not getting that interview opportunity was a big letdown. ? —It’s no big deal. Something better will _____. ? A. take on B. come along C. go by D. fall in 参考答案: B 8. Paper cutting,? ?????traditional folk art form which originated in ancient China,was listed as? ????world cultural heritage by the United Nations in 2002. A.the;a??? ?????? B.a;the??? ?????? C.the;the??



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