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* Even though the placentation is unlike humans, the physiologic characteristics of transplacental transfer of antiarrhythmics has been shown to be more similar to the human situation than the traditional ewe model. This transplacental transfer of therapeutic agents may make the sow a predictable model of teratogenicity and efficacy of pharmaceutic agents Materal Ig (8)The male reproductive system has the same structures as humans, however, the accessory sex glands which predominate are different. * (9) Kidney The kidneys of the pig are more similar to humans in anatomy and function than even primates. ①The kidneys are multirenculate and multipapillate like humans. * 颞颥[niè rú] Musculoskeletal System The long bone epiphyses close by 3-4 years in domestic farm breeds and generally 1-2 years earlier in the miniature breeds The skeletalsystem of the pig is massive with relatively thick cortical bone. This is consistent with the support of a rapidly growing animal with a relatively small stature. The Vertebral formula for swine is C7, T14-15, L6-7, S4, Cy2O-23. There are 7 sternal胸骨的 and 7 asternal不连胸骨的, ribs. If a 15th rib is present, it is floating. The principle digits of the pig are III and IV. Digits 11 and V are vestigial剩余的and form the dewclaw悬蹄,无用趾s. Swine are considered to be ungulent or hooved animals. The long bone epiphyses close by 3-4 years in domestic farm breeds and generally 1-2 years earlier in the miniature breeds. Because of the massive nature of the musculoskeletal system and the quadriped locomotion characteristics, swine have rarely been used in studies of these systems. Recently, there has been increased interest in the model for temporomandibular joint studies as well as bone healing and grafting techniques. * Integumentary and Lymphatic Systems (1) Swine are relatively hairless animals with a fixed skin tightly attached to the subcutaneous tissues like humans. (2) As the animal grows a substantial amount of subcutaneous fat is de


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