人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement Reading for Writing 课时分层练(含答案).docxVIP

人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit 1 People of Achievement Reading for Writing 课时分层练(含答案).docx

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Unit 1 People of Achievement Reading for Writing 课时分层练 【夯实基础】 知识点1 名词的用法 1.In my opinion, the world needs more scientists than ______(politics). 2.As a ________(consequent), the number of polar bears is becoming smaller and smaller.? 知识点2 形容词的用法 3.He is the ___________(gentle) man I have ever known. 4.As an active socialist, he has ________ (number) meetings and social events to attend. 知识点3 副词的用法 5.After some complex chemical reaction, the gas ________(gradual) turned into liquid. 【提升能力】 6.那本书好像在我面前打开一个崭新的世界。 The book seemed to ________________________. 7.虽然他块头比我大,但是他从没瞧不起我。 ________________, he never looked down on me. 8.必要时,他们愿为国捐躯。 They were ready to die, ________________, for their country. 9.他们对保卫和平起着越来越重要的作用。 They are playing an increasingly important role in _____________________________. 10.汤姆出身贫寒,有两个姐姐和一个妹妹,母亲靠打零工独立支撑整个家庭。 Tom ________________________________ and had two elder sisters and one younger sister. His mother supported the whole family alone by odd jobs. 【综合素养】 11.??? The Nobel Prize in Literature, which has been awarded almost every year since 1901, nets(净赚) the winning author 747,000 pounds($915,000), a medal, a certificate, and the legal duty to deliver a lecture in Sweden at some future date. The winner was selected, as usual, by the Swedish Academy, which also picked a second laureate (获奖者) this year to make up for the fact that no prize was presented in 2018 because of a scandal(丑闻). ??? The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2018 was awarded to the Polish author Olga Tokarczuk "for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic(百科全书式的) passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life". She won last year's Man Booker International Prize for her novel Flights. Her representative works include Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead and Primeval and Other Times. The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2019 was awarded to the Austrian author Peter Handke "for an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity(语言的独创性) has explored th


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