二零二三年 优质公开课WELCOMEUNIT.pptx

二零二三年 优质公开课WELCOMEUNIT.pptx

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· 课件编辑说明 ·;高中英语 必修第一册 RJ;WELCOME UNIT;[导读] 学校是孩子们学习成功的基础。适应一所新学校会让人感到紧张和害怕。当你去上一所新学校的时候,你可能会担心你不认识任何人或者不能适应新的环境。阅读本文,或许你能从中感悟到应该怎样去适应一所新学校。 How to adjust to a new school;School is a child ’s base, where they learn to succeed. Adjusting to a new school can make you feel nervous and scared. When you go to a new school, you might worry that you don ’t know anyone or that you won ’t fit in. As you get into your schoolwork and after-school activities, you ’ll find that you ’re making friends and life is getting easier. Knowing about your school, preparing for the first day and knowing how to make friends can make this transition(过渡) a lot easier.;Take a tour of your school. Before you start the school, go with your parents to visit the school. Find out where your classroom will be, as well as the cafeteria, auditorium, gym and other important places. Learn the rules of the school. Every school has its own set of rules that helps students stay safe and learn well. You may need a hall pass to use the bathroom during class, for example. Learning the rules of the school will help you adjust and will keep you out of trouble.;Do what your teachers say. When you are starting a new school, you should follow your teachers ’instructions very closely. Making a good impression on your teachers will go a long way towards making a positive adjustment to a new school. Make good decisions about making friends. When you are in a new school, you have the chance to make friends with anybody. It can be tempting (诱人的) to try to fit in with cool kids. You should, however, spend most of your effort making friends with people that you ’re comfortable around.;Set goals for yourself. By setting goals for yourself every day or every week, you can see how you are adjusting to your new school in very real ways. For example, you can say, “I ’ll attend one club meeting this week”, so that when you attend the meeting, you ’ll know you ’re trying hard to adjust.;【主题词句积累】 1. adjust to适应 2. prepare for为…


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