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洁净管道酸洗钝化规程 Sanitary piping cleaning and passivation procedure 洁净管道酸洗、钝化规程 Purpose 目的 This procedure is to define the chemical cleaning and passivation method and procedure of sanitary stainless steel (304/316L) equipment and piping system. 明确洁净不锈钢(304/316L材质)管道或设备系统的酸洗钝化方法和步骤。 Scope 范围 The site 304/16L stainless steel equipment, pipeline pickling passivation and mobile or assembly equipment pickling passivation 现场304/316L不锈钢设备、管道酸洗钝化与移动或组装设备的酸洗钝化。 Responsibilities 职责 The site operators should carry out the pickling and passivation of 304/316L stainless steel piping or equipment per this procedure. 现场操作人员应按照本规程进行304/316L不锈钢管道或设备的酸洗、钝化。 The site project manger is responsible for submitting this procedure to the owner for approval and putting it into effect. 现场施工经理负责将本规程提交业主审核批准后实施。 The site safety personnel should check if all the necessary safety and protection measures are ready before pickling and passivation, and keep supervising during the process. 现场安全人员应在系统酸洗、钝化进行前,检查所有必要的防护和安全措施已具备,并在实施过 程中保持监督。 Materials and equipments使用的材料和设备 Stainless steel piping or equipment pickling, passivation need the following materials: 不锈钢管道或设备的酸洗、钝化需要用到以下材料: Piping flushing liquid:管道冲洗液: Chemical reagent for passivation:钝化用化学试剂: Procedure操作步骤: Isolation - Isolate the system to be passivated from the equipments and instruments that can’ t be passivated (such as flow meter) . List these equipments and instruments, and give it to the owner for signature and confirmation. All of the water use points, outlet, drains, and dead leg should have hand valves in proper positions. Remove any component from the system that is not compatible with passivation solutions. Isolating valves should be installed at the ends of inlet and return water hoses, and at any other places anticipated to have breaking points in the system. 隔离一一将需要进行酸洗钝化的系统与不能进行酸洗钝化的设备、仪表等隔离开(如流量计 等),并列出明细,请业主签字确认。所有的用水点、出水点、排污点和单流管在适当的位置 要有手动阀。移除任何不适合酸洗钝化的部件。进水回水软管上以及系统中任何可能有断点处 需安装隔离阀。 Installation - Connect the entire system


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