The Golden Girls《黄金女郎(1985)》第三季第十三集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Golden Girls《黄金女郎(1985)》第三季第十三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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谢谢你做我的朋友 Thank you for being a friend. 旅行数日后又重回此处 Traveled down the road and back again. 你的心是如此真诚 Your heart is true. 你是我的贴心好友 You're a pal and a confidante. 若你要开个派对 And if you threw a party. 邀请所有熟人到场 lnvited everyone you knew. 你将发现最好的礼物是我送出的 You would see the biggest gift would be from me. 贺卡上将会写着 And the card attached would say. 感谢你与我为友 “Thank you for being a friend" 黄金女郎 第三季 第十三集 嗨 妈 宾果游戏玩得怎么样? Well hi Ma. How was bingo? 你自己看吧 Judge for yourself. 妈 你没穿衣服 Ma you don't have any clothes on. 还说呢 我刚走过十个街区 Tell me about it. I just walked ten blocks. 我肚脐上全是衣服上的呢子 I got a belly button full of tweed. 妈 到底怎么回事? Ma what the hell happened? 在玩宾果的时候 默里·黑泽尔廷也一起玩 In the middle of bingo Murray Hazeltine sits down. 他最爱玩恶作剧了 He's the big practical joker at the center. 相信我 豪伊·曼德尔比他还好玩 Believe me Howie Mandel is funnier. 不管怎样 他让我闻闻他的康乃馨以求好运 Anyway he tells me to sniff his carnation for good luck. -我吸了一口 完了 -他把墨水喷到你的衣服上了 - I take one whiff and bingo. - He squirted your dress with ink. 其实是德尔蒙西梅汁 Actually it was Del Monte prune juice. 喝的是免费的 这其实是个诱饵 It's free at the center. It's a come-on. 他们靠收费的厕所赚钱 They make their real money on the padded toilet seat rentals. 你的衣服怎么了? What happened to your clothes? 默里把它们拿走去洗了 Murray took them to have them cleaned. 我还是不敢相信发生了这样的事 I still can't believe it happened. 我从来没有这么丢脸过 I've never been so humiliated. 你没必要感觉丢人 There's no reason for you to be embarrassed. 他捉弄每个人 He plays tricks on everybody. 我是说在我回家的路上 I'm talking about on my way home. 我的腰带在建筑工地前松了 My belt came loose in front of a construction site. 没人对我吹口哨 还有两个家伙请病假回家了 Nobody whistled and two guys went home sick. -嗨 姑娘们 -嗨 萝丝 - Hi girls. - Oh hi Rose. 索菲娅 你在屋里穿着那件厚外套干什么? Sophia what are you doing with that heavy coat on inside the house? -你自己看 萝丝 -妈! - You tell me Rose. - Ma! 桃乐茜 刚才那是光身子的索菲亚 Dorothy was Sophia naked just now 还是她的衣服真的需要熨一下? or does her dress really need ironing? 姐♥妹♥们♥ 桃乐茜 萝丝 你们还记得拉兹洛吧 Hello girls. Dorothy Rose you remember L



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