Mrs. Davis《戴维斯夫人(2023)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Mrs. Davis《戴维斯夫人(2023)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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我需要你去摧毁圣杯 I need you to destroy the Holy Grail. 如果你做到了 我就关闭自己 Once you do, I will end my life. 你知道克拉拉死了? Did you know Clara was dead? 她用圣杯喝水 She drank from the Holy Grail, and it-- 然后头爆♥炸♥了 Exploded her head. 重定向1042 Redirect, 1042. 告诉我你♥爸♥在哪里 Tell me where your father is. 这是什么? - 提款机拍到的 What is this? -ATM photos, 全是在你♥爸♥过世之后 all dated after your father died! 我跟她说 你协助你父亲假死 I told her that you helped your father fake his own death. 那不是事实 - 我的用户不接受事实 That is not true! My Users aren't responsive to the truth. 你知道我爸在哪里 You know where my father is. 当然知道 - 告诉我  Of course I know. -Then tell me. 天啊 - 她说什么? Oh, my God. -What's she saying? 你自己听吧 If you want to know, you can hear it yourself. 重定向1042桑迪斯普林斯 Redirect, 1042. Sandy Springs. 你的截止日期只剩48小时 Your Expiration Date comes up in 48 hours. 欢迎来到金字塔 Welcome to the Pyramid! 我不是懦夫 我准备他妈"过期"了 I'm not a coward, and I'm ready to fucking expire. 我儿子被困在生与死之间 My son is stuck between life and death. 你需要我做什么? What do you need me to do? 喝圣杯酒来摧毁它 Drink from the Grail to destroy it. 一旦它消失 But once it's gone-- 我就再也见不到他 I'll never see him again. 1042 1042 1042, 1042. 桑迪斯普林斯 Sandy Springs? 什么? What? 拜托 别这样对我 Come on. Don't do this to me now. 蠢电脑 Fucking traitor. 这是2013年 (启动中…) I don't-- 哼 Hmm. 对不起 I'm sorry. 让它跑一下 It was just working. 我知道贵公♥司♥没想过要改变世界 但是… Um, I know your company isn't in the world-changing business, but... 不代表你们不能改变世界 that doesn't mean you can't change the world. 十年后世界上每个人 Um, ten years from now, everyone on this planet 都将成为用户 或关注者 will be either a User or a follower. 人们喜欢被告知该怎么思考 怎么生活 We all like being told what to do, how to think, how to live. 这项技术只有好处 没有坏处 What if the tech we used actually helped us instead of harming us? 大家都需要代码 We all need code. 我设计的代码 符合贵公♥司♥的精神 I took that code, combined with your company ethos, 我创造了某种 革命 and I created something revolutionary, 某种会改变世界的东西 something that will change the world: 能不断进化的程序 an app that is constantly evo


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