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Biofabrication PAPER Related content Large scale industrialized cell expansion: producing the critical raw material for biofabrication processes - - Engineering-derived approaches for iPSC preparation, expansion, differentiation and applications Engineering principles for guiding spheroid function in the regeneration of bone, cartilage, and skin To cite this article: Arun Kumar and Binil Starly 2015 Biofabrication 7 044103 - Recent progress in stem cell differentiation directed by material and mechanical cues Recent citations View the article online for updates and enhancements. - Scale-Up Technologies for the Manufacture of Adherent Cells Caroline Faria Bellani et al - Microtechnology-based methods for organoid models Vanessa Velasco et al - Natural 3D-Printed Bioinks for Skin Regeneration and Wound Healing: A Systematic Review Ali Smandri et al This content was downloaded from IP address 04 on 02/12/2020 at 16:12 Biofabrication 7 (2015) 044103 doi:10.1088 / 1758-5090 / 7 / 4 / 044103 PAPER RECEIVED 27April2015 Large scale industrialized cell expansion: producing the critical raw material for biofabrication processes REVISED 9June2015 ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION 22June2015 PUBLISHED 5November2015 Arun KumarHYPERLINK and Binil StarlyHYPERLINK HYPERLINK [HYPERLINK HYPERLINK HYPERLINK . Such work must be extended [ ] – to other therapeutic cell types of interest, such as iPSC, T-Cells and embryonic stem cells to lower the cost of research and faster road to developing tissue engineered and RM products. 5. Summary Processes developed in the laboratory, from tissue biopsies through cell expansion to 3D scaffold fabrica- tion and characterization, are labor intensive, involve complex steps, highly variable and speci?c for a


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