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摘要 随着人们生活水平不断提升,人们在消费观上也有所改变。顾客在 消费需求上不仅关注产品本身的质量和特色,接受产品过程的服务也有 自己的要求。为满足顾客需求产生的一系列活动的服务营销应运而生。 人们对传统美观度不高的证件照开始有越来越高的要求,主打“最美证 件照”的海马体照相馆成功吸引了消费者的注意。 本文以海马体照相馆为研究对象,通过文献研究和实践研究的方式, 梳理国内外服务营销的研究概况,主要用SWOT分析和7Ps等理论及研究 方法,研究海马体照相馆的服务营销现状,分析其服务营销策略,自省 其自身的不足,提供提高人员素质、个性化服务顾客、打造差异化品牌 等服务营销改进措施来促进海马体照相馆提升竞争力,优化服务,为发 展注入新动力,为未来更好地发展创造条件。 关键词:服务营销SWOT分析7Ps营销理论 Abstract With the continuous improvement of people's living standard,People have also changed their consumption concept .Customers pay attention to the quality and characteristics of the products in terms of consumer demand.They also focus on services in the process of using product.In order to meet the needs of customers, a series of service marketing activities was born.People have higher and higher requirement on the certificate photo which is not beautiful in tradition, "most beautiful certificate photo,, is main product of HIMO that is attracting the attention of consumer successfully. HIMO is the subject of this paper.Th is paper uses the methods of literature research and practice research to sort out the research overview about service marketing at home and abroad.And It mainly uses SWOT analysis and 7Ps theory to study the current situation of HIMO.After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of its service marketing strategy,this paper will provide the following improvement measures:Improving the quality of employees, providing personalized service to customers, building a differentiated brand.These suggestions will help the HIMO to optimize its services and enhance its competitiveness,and create conditions for better development. Key words: service marketing SWOT analysis 7Ps marketing theory 目录 TOC \o "1-5" \h \z \o "Current Document" 第一章绪论 3 \o "Current Document" 1.1选题背景及选题意义 3 1. 1选题背景 3 1.2选题意义 3 \o "Current Document" 2写作思路 4 第二章 服务营销的研究概况及意义 4 2.1服务营销的概念 4 \o "Current Document" 2国内外服务营销研究的概况 4 2. 1国外服务营销研究的概况 4 2.2国内服务营销研究的概况 5 \o "Current Document" 2. 3国内服务营销的现状 5 \o "Current Docume


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