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Marketing department Send regards to Fruitful cooperation Villa Open view Pick up sb. It depends hospitality Chair a meeting Pleasant flight Accommodate Overlook the sea Confirm Reception dinner Shipment rewarding Meeting at the Airport Mr. Moore: Excuse me, but are you from Fusheng Trading? 王先生: 是的,您是GE进出口公司的吗? Mr. Moore: Yes, I am Daniel Moore, Executive Director of the Marketing Department of GE Import and Export Company. Our general manager, Mr. Defoe asked me to come and meet you because he is chairing a meeting at this moment. He sends his warmest regards. 王先生: 谢谢,很高兴见到您。我是公司的翻译。请让我介绍陈先生。这是陈先生,福生贸易公司总经理;这是莫尔先生,GE进出口公司销售部主任。 陈先生: 您好,莫尔先生。 Mr. Moore: How do you do! I hope you had a pleasant flight. 陈先生: 很愉快.天气很好。 Mr. Moore: Good! You see, we are all very glad that you’ve come to New York. 陈先生: 这也是我们的愿望. Mr. Moore: For your convenience and comfort, we accommodate you in one of the company’s villas for overseas visitors. It is located by the beach, overlooking the sea. It is only 20 minutes’ drive from our company. I am sure you will like it. 陈先生: 好极了。我喜欢视野开阔的房子。 Mr. Moore: I’m glad to hear it. Just to confirm --- you know that tomorrow’s meeting is set for 9:30a.m. at our office. Is that all right for you? 陈先生: 我没问题。 Mr. Moore: It’s my pleasure. Tomorrow evening at 7:00 we will host a reception dinner in your honor. By the way, are there any sights you’d like to see while you are here? I’d be glad to show you around. 陈先生: 看情况吧。如果一切顺利如愿的话,我很想留出一天的时间观光。我一直想看看现代艺术博物馆和林肯表演艺术中心。我对艺术特别感兴趣。 陈先生: 谢谢! Mr. Moore: You are welcome. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. See you tomorrow! Seeing-off at the Airport 陈先生: 我的行李都进去了,看来该说再见了。 Mr. Moore: I know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip. 陈先生: 那当然。这次我们谈得很成功,我也很高兴。我们能在一个月内收到你们的第一批货,对吧? Mr. Moore: Yes, that’s right. You won’t be disappointed. 陈先生: 这一点我相信。我真的很感激你们


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