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转折关系 but, however, yet (然而 ), on the contrary, contrary to , contrarily, by(in) contrast (to), whereas, rather than, instead of, unlike, in fact(effect), actually 弱转 , conversely 让步关系 although, much as, though, even though(if), even, despite, in spite of , nevertheless, anyhow(anyway), as, while (虽然、尽管、即使) , still (尽管如此) 总分关系(举例 & 总结) 举例 :for example 、for instance 、such as、including 总结 :in sum ,in general, overall, to sum up ,on the whole, generally 因果关系 because in that +句子 表原因 due to thanks to owing to +名词 表原因 since now that ever since +句子 表原因 because of on account of in response to +名词 表原因 lead to contribute to result in +名词 (前因后果) so that such that in order that +句子 ( 强调目的、结果的因果 ) in view of in the light of by virtue of +名词 鉴于、由于 put down to ascribe to attribute to owe to +名词 归因于 so thus hence therefore consequently (as a consequence/ as a result) +句子 (因此) for, as, as a result of, with (由于,由于某种条件或原因的存在出现了某种结果) 递进关系 递进词 :still 、also 、indeed、furthermore (进一步)、moreover (而且、此外)、highlighting (突出、强调)、even (甚至、更)、besides(注意区分 except), additionally , in addition , what ’ s more 条件关系 连词 :if, provided/providing that, suppose, supposing , in case (of), in the event of, assume, presumably, so long as, unless, only if, when 并列关系 并列词 :and (和)、 as well as (也)、likewise (同样的)、while (与此同时)、similarly (类似地)、or (或者)、simultaneously (同时发生地)、meanwhile (同时 )、in the meantime 、 neither…nor, either …or, not only …but also、 more…than


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