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信息鸿沟景观下个人知识与命运的互动关系 目录 TOC \o "1-9" \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:信息鸿沟景观下个人知识与命运的互动关系 2 一、对“知识沟”理论的回顾——知识和信息的异质性 3 二、信息的垄断性生产与传媒集团影响力的扩大 5 三、社会价值取向的转型与个体博弈优势的重塑 7 四、信息-知识鸿沟的双重致因以及对个体生存机遇的影响 9 文2:决胜医药企业命运的三大战役下 10 一、集中资源先养壮一个“孩子” 11 二、升级营销模式 11 三、再塑产品金身 12 四、开拓新区域 12 五、推出新利益 13 六、提高产品价格 14 第一方面:强化品牌优势 16 第二方面:升级产品优势 16 第三方面:延续广告优势 17 第四方面:增加市场优势 18 第一:找到企业的核心优势 20 第二:将一个品类做大做强 20 第三:不断为企业品牌加分 21 第四:广告投放要相互联动 21 第五:整合资源、借力打力 22 六大模型,玩转资本战 24 参考文摘引言: 28 原创性声明(模板) 29 文章致谢(模板) 30 正文 信息鸿沟景观下个人知识与命运的互动关系 文1:信息鸿沟景观下个人知识与命运的互动关系 【Abstract】 This article is based on the Knowledge-gap theory and throws light on the differences between information and knowledge in details,including the precise in the process of melting-pot and interacting, the paper have also touched on the concentration trendency under the background of industrializing. To some extent, information are not only the bridging elements, but also the core competition, or sculpting an important industrial department. Following this process, the medium exploiting and developing capacity differences between single audiences have enforced the social classification。 On the other hand , because of the surfacial and uufficient management capability of what the audiences want, the medium take on the single-quality pepect . In face of the market intending to custome, the media organizatio should focus on the deep side needs of their clients, making use of the new pepective of integrated marketing in order to change the pessimistic existence, to cultivate using and developing capacity of the audience as well. So there will be quantities of high-skilled audiences who are qualified in media-surrounded environment. The cooperation between the media organizatio and education communities will help realizing the plastic interact of knowledge and life owing to single people。 【key words】 knowledge gap, medium capacity, industrialization, agenda-setting, environme


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