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1. 澳大利亚和其他大陆是分隔开来的,这也就意味着它的陆地上有很多其他地方看不到的物种。 The continent of Australia is ____________________ other land, which means there are many species that cannot be seen in other places. 2. 半夜有人给我打电话,可我还没来得及接他就已经挂断了。 Someone called me in the middle of the night, but he had ______________ before I could answer it. 3. 比尔盖茨大二的时候辍学回家,和朋友一起创办了微软公司。 Bill Gates _________________ college in the second year and founded Microsoft together with his friends. 4. 毕竟,我们大家是同班同学。我希望大家能够有什么就说什么。 ________________, we are classmates. I hope we can say what is in our mind. 5. 出了图书馆之后,我误拿了你的伞。 When I left the library, I took your umbrella _________________. 6. 除非公司管理可以摆脱外界的干预,否则的话,公司是不可能正常运转的。 Unless the management is _______________ outside interference, the company cannot operate eff ectively. 7. 穿上了新买的夹克衫之后,他一路冲到了学校,结果却被告知会议已经被取消了。 After _______________ the newly bought jacket, he rushed all the way to the school, only to be told that the meeting had been canceled. 8. 传统中医的历史可以追溯到五千多年前。 The history of Traditional Chinese Medicine can __________________ more than five thousand years ago. 9. 从个人角度来说,电子书籍不太可能会取代纸质版书籍。 __________________, e-books ______________________ replace printed books. 10. 从很大程度上来说,这次的失败要归咎于他们自己粗心大意。 ______________________, the failure this time should ______________________ their carelessness. 11. 从某种意义上来说,正是上次的失败才给他带来了这样的一次宝贵的机会。 ___________________, it was his failure last time that brought him such a precious opportunity. 12. 大家都觉得,他没有能力把这项计划执行到底。 It is generally thought that he does not have the ability to ____________ the plan to the end. 13. 大家对你这样的态度都已经厌倦了,没有人愿意再和你一起共事。 People are _______________ your attitude so that no one is willing to work with you. 14. 当时,对于那些身处险境当中的人来说,除了听从建议之外别无其他选择。 At that moment, there was no other choice for those ____________ but to take the advaice. 15. 当他面临这样的挑战时,他没有失去信心,反而备受鼓舞。 When _______________ such a challenge, he didn ’t ____________. Instead, he felt encouraged. 16. 到目前为止,他们在这个问题上还没有达成一致意见


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