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互联网对生活的影响的英语演讲稿 互联网对生活的影响的英语演讲稿 PAGE 互联网对生活的影响的英语演讲稿 有关互联网对我们生活的影响 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! In the year 1998, a company called Tencent was founded in Shenzhen—the Chinese window to the world in South China. It launched its first internet product –the OICQ, and QQ in brief in China market. For my generation, signing up for a QQ account, logging in, and chatting with friends became a prevailing fashion. A flashing portrait of penguin at the right bottom of desktop is a unique feature of my generation. That is also my first experience with the Internet. How amazing it was! Today, as of December 2014, there were about billion net citizens in China, and the Internet use rate across the country was 48%. This means half of us Chinese are involved in a connected world, and we are becoming the true global villagers. The most influential Internet companies in China—Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent have been forming the strongest BAT that hits every corner of our daily life. How does Internet impact us today Is there any negative aspect I try to briefly answer these two questions in my talk today. Advantages of Internet Get access to information. The internet is a vast ocean of information. Anyone, anywhere with an internet connection can find out just about anything in just a matter of seconds. This even extends out towards various levels of formal education, such like distant education, MOOC, the Massive Open Online Course in detail. Get new ways of shopping. Another great benefit of the internet is the ability to find just about anything you could want and even some things you might never have known existed for purchase. With a few simple clicks someone can buy everything from food and groceries to a car. Now we even have a special festival called “double eleven” which means November 11th. In that day, customers can buy goods with lowest price via the e-commerce platform—Taobao. Communicate with others on a global scale. Much like the original use of the Internet, co


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