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Language Points 2 Important Words 3. associate n. a person connected with another, especially in work 同事,伙伴 e.g. He is not a friend but a business associate. The thief and his associates were arrested by the police. Back Language Points 2 Important Words 4. deserve v. to be worth of; to be fit for 应得,应受 e.g. These people deserve to make more than the minimum wage. The top leaders of the company clearly deserved some of the blame as well. Back Language Points 2 Important Words 5. previously ad. happening, becoming, or being earlier in time or order 早先地,先前地 e.g. The contract was awarded to a preciously unknown company. That country’s railways were previously owned by private companies. Back Language Points 2 Important Words 6. professional a. relating to a person’s work, esp. work that requires special training 有关职业的 e.g. His professional career started when he went to the university. Don’t wrap up the present in that careless way; try to be a bit more professional about it. Back Language Points 2 Important Words 7. integral a. necessary to complete something 缺一不可的 e.g. Rituals, celebrations, and festivals form an integral part of every human society. That is the integral part of the argument. Back 1) Everyone working in ABC Insurance Company is happy to work there. 2) All the employees of the company have become good friends with each other. 3) The entrepreneurial work environment and team spirit of the company are not satisfactory. 4) The President of the company knows everyone by their name. 5) The company is well known for treating both internal and external customers with respect. 6) Many employees in different positions have worked with ABC Company for quite a long time. 7) The company pays little attention to the development of its employees. 8) Only the people in higher positions can get promoted in the company. 9) Every employee in the company feels that he is


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