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Classification of Vocabulary;; Ways of Word-formation; Methods of Word-formation;;Some of the most important productive prefixes are: 1. Prefixes with negative meaning: un-, dis-, in-, im-, ir-, il-, de- 2. Prefixes with other meaning varieties are: Re-, mis-, anti-, ex, pre-, post-, fore-, self-, super, sub-, inter-, trans-, ultra-,semi-, vice-, uni-, bi, multi- auto-,;英语的前缀和后缀在语法功能、语义、以及与词根关系的密切程度上是不同的,大多数后缀会改变词根的词性,大多数前缀不影响词根的词性和其他语法范畴,只是对词根的语义加以修饰或限制。从这个意义上说,前缀的作用与副词相仿,可以表示方式、态度、程度、时间、地点、否定等概念。;表示方式的前缀;表示态度的前缀:;表示程度的前缀 Super- superman superpower Under- underfeed underdevelopment Over- overcareful overdo;;表示地点的前缀 Inter- Trans- trans-Atlantic Super- superstructure(上层建筑) Over- overhead(在头顶上的) Sub- subway Under- underground;英语中只有三个前缀能决定词性: En- en 使……处于什么状态 Enslave embody endanger enrich Enlarge ensure endear;Be- befriend benumb belittle Becalm A- a-主要用来使动词或名词变为表语性的形容词 Asleep astray astir afire afoot(徒步) ;Some Examples for Unusual Prefix;;Two More Notes;Match Work;Dis- the opposite of:disloyal, disobey Un- reverse:unhorse, unwrap Pseudo- false:pseudo-science, pseudo-modern Macro- large: macrocosm, macroeconomics Super- greater or more than, superego, superstar,supernatural,superpower Under- not enough, underdeveloped, underestimate , Anti- being against, anti-nuclear, anti-government Inter- among, intermarriage.;Multi- single, Mono- opposite, against Counter- many Mal- too much Over- bad, wrong. ;Some Examples;More Challenges!;How Did You Do It?;Exercises 1 ;Check Your Answers : );; 1. Don’t let the defrost too quickly. 2. “In my happier nightmare”, he adds, “I see myself attending an anitplay with an antiaudience after a dinner prepared by an anticook” 3.He was neither anti- nor pro-slavery although the air was stormy with abolition sentiment and its opposition.


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