《六下Unit 1 How tall are you? B read and write》教案设计(1).doc

《六下Unit 1 How tall are you? B read and write》教案设计(1).doc

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附表2:教学设计 附件2: PEP六年级下册 Unit 1 Part B Read and write 设 计 者:黎改变 (Tel 学 校:东莞市塘厦镇中心小学 教 材:PEP六年级下册 课 型:阅读与写作教学 时 间:40分钟 一、教学内容分析 本节课选自由教育部审定、人民教育出版社出版的PEP六年级下册第一单元How tall are you? B部分的Read and write中的一篇故事,大意是:小鸭子看着太阳下山时,也看到自己的影子不断变长。它不理解其中的原因,于是问它年长而又比它聪明老树。老树告诉小鸭子是因为太阳每天都下山,我们也会每天都长大,所以影子会越长。故事中,老树片面的解释了小鸭子的疑问,太阳的光和小鸭子的影子的变化关系主要是太阳的高度决定的。故事的文本内容如下: Little Duck is watching the sun go down. It is getting lower and lower, but his shadow is getting longer and longer. “Why is that?” Little Duck asks his friends Old Tree. “You are older and smarter than me. Tell me—why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?” Old Tree says, “That’s easy, Little Duck. The sun goes down every day, and we grow older every day. Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller. You are becoming a big beautiful bird!” 故事中除了shadow, grow外,没有更多的新语言,其中现在进行时的句子和比较级的单词本节课前学生已经掌握,但如何通过简单熟悉的语言,借助图读懂故事,特别是理解故事背后的物理现象和科普知识是本节课的教学重难点。 学情分析 六年级的学生沉静,爱思考,思维活跃,乐于模仿和参与活动,因此,这节课以学生感受变化、师生共读故事、学生读故事、给故事配音和学生写作为主要教学环节,目的是通过故事教学活动既培养学生的故事阅读能力,也培养学生的相应的思维能力,同时拓展学生对科普知识的认识。 三、教学目标 Knowledge Aims Can understand the story and retell the story. Can read and use the sentences:It is getting lower and lower, but his shadow is getting longer and longer. Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller. Ability Aims Can read the story and get the key information about it. Can retell or rewrite the story according to the forms. Emotion Aims Will love the nature。 Will like to learn English and tell story in English。 四、教学重难点 1.教学重点: (1) Can understand the story and retell the story. (2) Can read and use the sentences:It is getting lower and lower, but his shadow is getting longer and longer. Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller. (3) Can retell the story and write the changes of friends. 2.教学难点: Can retell the story and write the changes in friends. 五、教学资源 制作多媒体课件、学生练习资料、视频文件 教学评价 在本节课中,本人根据五年级小学生的年龄、心理及个性特点,采取了以下的评价手段和方法。 表扬评价:在小


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