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研究生优秀毕业论文 本系统为变压器正式生产中的初步阶段。技术创新点为:硅钢片 本系统为变压器正式生产中的初步阶段。技术创新点为:硅钢片 边缘图像的精确检测和识别技术,机械臂的各种精度移动与定位控 制,满足快速精准堆码的生产要求。系统在实验效果中,能对摄像机 视野范围内随意放置且形状大小一致硅钢片移动后,上下基本对齐地 码放在目的位置。 关键字:硅钢片堆码,手眼系统,摄像机标定,机器人运动控制 万方数据 ABSTRACTWith ABSTRACT With the widely application of Eye·-to·-hand system combined with computer vision and robot in automatic industrial manufacturing lines, both product qualities and labor conditions have been improved.However, in the production process of the electricity transformer nowadays,the stacking of the stalloy are basically finished by hand,which leaves room for improvement at its precision and efficiency.Therefore,this paper studies the application of ETH system for the accurate stacking of transformer stalloy. Consisting of manipulator,camera,two computers and other hardware equipment,this system is developed under the Windows VC++ programming environment.The system is divided into three subsystems: visual inspection system,control system of the manipulator and communication module. In the visual inspection system,the main method involved is to complete the camera calibration by means of some algorithms of image processing and computer vision.And we should find the relations between the camera coordinate and the mechanical coordinate.With the camera’S real—time detection of transformer stal loy’S location,visual inspection system computes the edges of stalloy by using Canny algorithm after the image has been preprocessed,and works out the offset I】I 万方数据 data data of the stalloy’S location,and then,stores the information for the control system of the manipulator.The control system of the manipulator disposes the data getting from communication port by applying its data processing module.It calculates the location and the orientation of the to-be—grabbed stalloy in Cartesian coordinate.and transfers the array of the spatial data to the matrix of pose.Based on the kinematics analysis of the robots and the path planning algorithm,the path of robot is



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