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* * Unit 4 What Can You Do? A Let’s try Let’s talk Group work 那吉屯四小 王霞 Sweep, sweep ,sweep the floor. Water, water, water the flowers. I can water the flowers. Cook , cook , cook the meals. I am helpful. I can cook the meals. Guess and do the action(猜做动作) I am helpful. I can _____. Choose and make a sentence (选择并照句) Housework Name sweep the floor cook the meals clean the bedroom empty the trash water the flowers wash the windows wash the clothes Sarah √ √ Pair work: Make a survey (做调查) A: What can you do at home? B: I can… A: Are you helpful at home? B: Sure. A: Great! You are helpful. Reading the passage and fill in the blanks. Miss White: Are you helpful at home? Zhang Peng: Sure. Miss White: What can you do? Zhang Peng: I can sweep the floor. What about you ,Chen Jie? Chen Jie: I can cook the meals and water the flowers. What about you, Mike? Mike: I can clean the bedroom and empty the trash. What can do Mike Chen Jie ZhengPeng Name Sweep the floor Cook the meals Water the flowers Clean the bedroom Empty the trash 志愿者申请表 亲爱的孩子们,在我们的生活中有一些需要帮助的人,你愿意伸出你的双手,奉献你的爱吗?你愿意为他们做一些力所能及的事情吗?如果你想成为一名光荣的志愿者,请你认真填写志愿者申请表吧.期待你们的加入!老师相信你能行! name Sarah age 30 I’m helpful. I can_____________________________. I can_____________________________. I can______________________________. sweep the floor Group work: 志愿者招聘现场 We should help each other. Our world can be more and more beautiful. 我们应该互相帮助。我们的世界会更美好。 选做:小作文 1.Book(课本)P47listen听3遍。 2.Write a dialogue仿照课文P47的对话,编一新的对话。 我是家庭小帮手 设计一张工作表,安排一星期内打算干的家务活,并用英文向同学或父母介绍。 Writing:我是家庭小帮手 设计一张工作表,安排一星期内打算干的家务活,并用英文向同学或父母介绍。 Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. sweep the floor cook the meals ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... I am helpful. I can sweep the floor on Mondays. I can cook the meals on Tuesdays. Goodbye!


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