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二手商品交易网站开发摘 要伴随着电子商务的飞速发展,网上交易日益发挥出其不可替代的优越性。但由于电子商务在校园的应用起步较晚,以及校园电子商务模式应用的不成熟,使高校校园电子商务的发展缓慢。二手商品交易网站是一个服务于在校学生的C2C(Custom to Custom)的交易网站,通过本网站用户可自由出售和购买商品,为广大学生提供了平等互利、方便快捷的交易空间。校园二手商品交易是现代电子商务发展产生的新生事物,校园二手商品交易的发展,除了可以解决商务沟通,信息交流等问题外,更可以提高在校生的实际购买力,减少浪费,客观上提高在校大学生的生活水平,并在高校这样一个消费能力较强的区域开拓了商品经营的新思路,有助于促进校园商务的良性发展。比起传统的二手交易,网上二手交易更加迅捷,实时性强,信息充裕,发展空间巨大。本课题根据高校特定区域的特点和优势及校园网,提出基于校园网络平台基础上的校园电子商务系统,根据二手商品交易实际应用建立一个电子商务系统。根据二手商品电子商务系统的应用需求,进行需求分析,并对网站系统规划设计。运用HTML语一言、JSP技术、SQL 2000, JSP与后台数据库链接等关键技术建设二手商品网上交易系统。实现网上交易系统的会员登录与注册,网站首页、分页浏览、购物系统、新闻系统、网站社区维护等功能。关键字: 校园电子商务;二手交易网;网上商店;JSP;数据库Second-hand commodity trading web site developmentAbstractAlong with the rapid development of e-commerce, online transactions growing out of the superiority of its irreplaceable. However, due to the application of e-commerce in a late start on campus, as well as the campus of the premature application of e-commerce model to enable campus slow development of e-commerce. Second-hand commodity trading site is a service school students in the C2C (Custom to Custom) trading site, through this site the user is free to sell and purchase commodities for the vast number of students with equality, mutual benefit and convenience of trading space. Second-hand goods, the campus e-commerce transaction is the development of a modern new thing, the campus of second-hand goods trading business can be solved in addition to communication, information exchange and other issues, but also can increase in real purchasing power of students, reduce wastage, the objective to improve school Students living standards and consumption in colleges and universities the ability of such a strong regional operation has opened up new ideas for products to help promote the sound development of the campus business. Compared to traditional second-hand trading, online trading of second-hand faster, real-time, information abundant, great scope for development. Colleges and universities this issue in accordance with specific


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