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昏迷的病因:颅内疾病 Epileptic Coma: 癫痫大发作后: 先兆期---痉挛期---昏迷期 约延续十余分钟至3-4小时,对发作过程不能回忆 Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus (NCSE) Change in behavior or mental status which is associated with diagnostic EEG changes 昏迷的病因:颅外疾病 代谢性疾病 心血管疾病 感染中毒性脑病 外源性中毒 物理性损害 昏迷的病因:颅外疾病 代谢性疾病(Metabolic Abnormalities): 肺性脑病 肝昏迷(肝性脑病) 尿毒症(肾性脑病) 糖尿病及其并发症 甲状腺疾病 水电解质和酸碱平衡紊乱 营养缺乏(Wernicke’s encephalopathy) 昏迷的病因:颅外疾病 心血管疾病: 泵功能异常:心肌梗塞,心律失常 高血压 Adams-Stokes综合征 昏迷的病因:颅外疾病 感染 中毒性脑病: 常见于一些重症感染, 如败血症、肺炎、伤寒、菌痢等 昏迷的病因:颅外疾病 外源性中毒(Drug toxicity ): 一氧化碳中毒 酒精中毒 安眠药中毒 吗啡 有机磷 其他 Masimo 昏迷的病因:颅外疾病 物理性损害: 中暑:High body temperature, 42 to 44°C, associated with dry skin should arouse the suspicion of heat stroke 低温:Hypothermia itself causes coma only when the temperature is 31°C. 电击 昏迷的病因: 颅内疾病? 颅外疾病? ——争论不休的话题 Diagnosis Diagnosis---- Goals in Emergency Primary intracranial disease evidence of raised ICP focal findings, especially that implicate brainstem structures Systemic disease affecting CNS signs of infection, toxic/metabolic processes relative lack of focality 昏迷程度的评价 ——Glasgow coma scale Eye opening 4 - spontaneous 3 - to speech 2 - to pain 1 – none Verbal Response 5 - oriented 4 - disoriented 3 - verbalizes 2 - vocalizes 1 - none Best Motor Response 6 - obeys 5 - localizes 4 - withdraws 3 - abnormal flexion 2 - abnormal extension 1 - none Coma: GSC score of 8 or less Differential diagnosis 闭锁综合征(locked-in syndrom) Infarction of basis pontis (all descending motor fibers to body and face) May spare eye-movements Often spares eye-opening EEG is normal or shows alpha activity Differential diagnosis 醒状昏迷( awake coma) : ---又称睁眼昏迷。貌似清醒,但无任何意识活动,可有睁闭眼睛、吞咽等功能,临床上常见于三种情况:去大脑皮质状态、无动性缄默症和持续性植物状态 。 Differential diagnosis 非惊厥性癫痫持续状态 (nonconvulsive status epilepticus, NCSE) ------NCSE指那些以伴有EEG癫痫样节律的行为和脑力活动迟缓、意识障碍,有时木僵或昏睡或昏迷为特征的状态,症状持续最少30min Differential diagnosis Differential diagnosis 昏迷的转归 Increasing awareness com


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