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ISSN 1672- 4305 14 2 20 11 4 CN 12 - 1352 /N LABORATORY SC IEN CE V ol14 N o2 A pr20 11 设计性实验与学生综合素质培养的有效对接 周宜君, 韦善君, 高 飞, 戴景峰, 刘 越 ( 中央民族大学 生命与环境科学学院, 北京 100081) , , ; ; Q 93 A do i 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1672 - 4 305. 2011. 02. 001 Junction of design ing experim ent and cu ltivation of com prehensive capab ilities of students ZHOU Y i- jun, W E I Sh an - jun, GAO F ei, DA I Jing- feng, L IU Y ue ( College o f L ife and Env ironm ental Sc iences, M inzu U n iversity of Ch ina, Be ijing 100081, Ch ina) Ab stract: T he designing exp ermi ent is an expermi ent carried out by students indep endently to mi ple- m ent their ideas under the sup erv ision of instructo rs, wh ich has played a cruc ial ro le in the process of cu lt ivating students 'com prehen sive capab ilities. A ccording to the ch aracter istics o f the m icrob io logy ex- permi en t, w e have explored and put into pract ice the con stru ction o f design ing exp er mi ents in exper-i m ent aspects of procedures, sub jects and top ics se lect ion, exp ermi ents organization and m anagem ent, expermi enta l summ ary and thesis w r iting etc. Key w ord s: m icrob io logy exp ermi ent; design ing expermi ent; com prehensive capab ilities , , [ 1- 4 ] ( ) , , , , , , ,


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