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词义的理解 A seed consists of an embryo, one or more seed coats surrounding the young plant. 种子含有胚芽,有一层或几层种皮包在胚芽外面。 It’s true that the embryo surgeon today does not always admit that the road to success must lead through a study of pathology. 确实,当今初出茅庐的外科医生并不总是承认研究病理学是通向成功的必由之路。 He was open now to charges to willful blindness. 其实,人们很容易指责他装聋作哑。 I have no opinion of that sort of man 我对那种人没有好感 注意定语从句的译法 Fever is a condition in which the body temperature is higher than normal. The body consists of a large number of organs, each of which has its own particular function to perform. The plasma血浆 is a clear fluid where food material, carbon dioxide, salts and water materials are dissolved In arthritis, the patient may complain only of difficulty in walking, a phenomenon which is more commonly seen in children. We may define pharmacology as the science which deals specially with chemical changes in medicine as a result it is possible to form some new drugs. Angina pectoris is a symptom of myocardial ischemia which is occurring when the requirement for oxygen by wither ventricle exceeds its supply. (心绞痛是心室氧需超过氧供时发生的心肌缺血症状。) 注意被动语态 The patient was advised by the nurse to take the medicine. It is well known that the most common type of onset of rheumatic fever is characterized by sudden occurrence of fever and joint pain. Four blood types have been recognized and are referred to as the AB, A,B, and O type. 复合结构和连词的翻译 第一种 独立主格结构 1.?? 名词或代词加上-ing 或-ed的动词 The operation being over, the medical workers left the operating room. Blood being high, the patient cannot be operated on at present. Everything taken into consideration, his work is well done. 2.?? 名词或代词加上-ing 或-ed的动词 With doctors of Chinese traditional and western medicine working together, the answer to the question was soon found. With the bad teeth taken out, her appetite is becoming good. 3. 名词或代词加上名词 She is very frightened, her face the same color as her hair. 4. 名词加上介词词组 The girl in white is a nurse. 5. 名词或代词加上不定式 T


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