《红字》中海斯特的女性意识学位论文 .doc

《红字》中海斯特的女性意识学位论文 .doc

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兰 州 商 学 院 长 青 学 院 本科生毕业论文(设计) 论文(设计)题目:《红字》中海斯特的女性意识 系 别: 外语系 专 业 (方 向): 英语(国际商务) 2014 年 月 日 《红字》中海斯特的女性意识 【摘要】霍桑是十九世纪美国文学史上最具影响力的浪漫主义作家之一。《红字》作为霍桑最重要的一篇小说,不仅对美国,而且对整个世界对女性主权意识的改变产生了深远的影响。小说刻画了海斯特为争取自由幸福而勇于反抗传统社会习俗的叛逆者的形象,她的坚定的反抗意识贯穿文章始终。本文首先简单介绍了《红字》作者霍桑,及小说产生的背景和其主要内容,之后具体讲述了女主人公海斯特女性意识逐渐产生的过程,结语中指出,因受霍桑个人经历和背景的影响,海斯特最终形成的女权主义是矛盾的、不彻底的。 [关键词] 海斯特 清教社会 女性意识 ABSTRACT Hawthorne is one of the romantic writers of the nineteenth century American literary history's most influential. "The Scarlet Letter" Hawthorne as a novel the most important, not only for America, but for the entire world to change the consciousness of women's sovereignty had a profound impact. 17th-century novels Boston Puritan colonization of North America under the background of colonial rule reflects the theocratic persecution of women to the heroine Hester adultery was discovered punished for clues to Hester as the representative of women the character's inner world and discover the fate unfold gradually female sovereign consciousness discovery and Analysis. Hyster novel portrayed the courage to fight for freedom and happiness image rebel against traditional social customs, and her steadfast opposition always conscious throughout the article, which laid the foundation Hyster dominant position in the novel. This paper analyzes the Hawthorne Language family background, social background, historical background, and found him to shape the image of Hyster feminism and the reason is not completely in contradiction. [Keyword] Heist ? Joplin Puritan society Hawthorne feminist consciousness 目录 《红字》作者霍桑的生平简介···································(5) 《红字》产生的背景及其内容简介·······························(6) 三、女性意识概述·················································(8) 四、海斯特的女性意识在《红字》中的体现···························(9) (一)潜伏在内心的女性意识·······································(9) (二)单身女人的顽强生活——女性意识的萌动························(10) (三)公开对峙前夫,不忍其恶行——女性意识的觉醒······


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