microsoft outlook syllabus- el camino college(微软outlook syllabus - el camino但是).doc

microsoft outlook syllabus- el camino college(微软outlook syllabus - el camino但是).doc

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Overview What is Microsoft Word? Microsoft Word is a word processing program, which means that it is primarily used to create and edit text-based documents in paragraphs. A Word document is a text file that contains all of the data for that file. Microsoft Word can be used for single- or multidocuments and includes many helpful features for enhanced text and layout. One feature of Microsoft Word can be used to spice up your e-mails so that they look like web-based newsletters. In fact, what you open up an e-mail and immediately see (within the body, not attached) graphics, backgrounds, fancy formatting, and hyperlinks to outside websites is really an HTML (web) page being sent via e-mail. All of this can be done within MS Word—even the e-mailing! What We Will Do: Start Microsoft Outlook (Click on the Outlook icon on the Desktop.) First, open the e-mail called “Picnic (as an attachment)” located in the Inbox folder (double-click). Note that this is a how we get most of our documents; a second file (the attachment) has to be opened in order to get to the information. Sometimes the file is unopenable! Next, open “15th Annual Picnic” located in the Inbox folder. Note that we didn’t have to open up a second file (the attachment.) We were immediately hit by the graphic impact of the e-mail itself. The e-mail can be printed out, and is already saved as a word file to be used again and again. 4. Scroll through the document, noting the major features to be discussed: The Format Painter Tool Background Colors and the Web Layout View Formatting with the Table tool Borders and Shading Finding/Inserting Images from the Web Inserting Hyperlinks Sending the E-mail from MS Word Creating the E-mail Newsletter Message Body 1. Start Microsoft Word (Click on Start > Programs > Word). A blank document called Document 1 automatically opens. You could start a document from scratch, or we can start with an existing document, and spruce it up a little to look more like a newslette


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