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我国民营企业品牌升级研究 摘 要 目前我国民营企业已达到750多万家占全国法人企业75%以上我国最大的企业群体经济占GDP的50%以上成为国民经济的重要组成部分民营经济吸纳的就业占全国就业20%以上提供了大约70%的技术创新和65%的发明专利成为要力量,2010中国民营企业500家”为重点研究对象,从民营企业品牌建设和发展现状入手,发掘出当前我国民营企业在品牌发展过程中存在的问题,并针对民营企业面临的不同问题提出了树立品牌意识、开展品牌创建、品牌的适度延伸、善于运用高科技、加大品牌战略执行力度、全方位实施企业品牌战略等建议,为我国民营企业的品牌化发展提供借鉴和有效途径。 关键词:民营企业 发展现状 品牌升级 途径 The Research of Chinese Private Enterprises Brand Promotion Abstract At present, China has reached more than 750 million private enterprises, accounting for more than 75% of corporate enterprises, is the largest business group, its economy has accounted for more than the national GDP50%, becoming an important part of the national economy. The employment in the private economy to absorb the country's total employment in is more than 20%, providing about 70% and 65% of innovation patents, being an important force for economic development. However, from the current situation of the private corporate brand development, brand operation effect is still unsatisfactory. Large, small and medium private enterprises in the brand development of private enterprises are faced with a series of problems, such as the establishment of and protected, brand stretching, brand positioning, brand research and development ability and the brand more obvious gap between the problems. Based on brand establishment and upgrade in large enterprises, from weak to strong development plays a vital role .This article will be to "2010 private enterprises in China for 500" key research object, the private enterprise brand construction and development present situation, unearthed in private enterprises in the brand present the problem in the process of development, and in the light of large private enterprises and small and medium-sized private enterprises of different problems facing forward cultivating brand awareness, conduct brand building, brand of moderate extensions, is good at using high-tech, increase brand strategy implementation efforts, the comprehensive implementation of enterp


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