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壹;Brief introduction;English Romantic poet Who rebelled against English politics and conservative values. Shelley drew no essential distinction between poetry and politics, and his work reflected the radical ideas and revolutionary optimism of the era. 英国浪漫主义诗人 他背叛了英语政治和保守的价值观。雪莱没有本质的区别诗歌和政治,他的作品反映了激进的思想和革命时代的乐观情绪。 ;Life;In1810 published his first Gothic novel Zastrozzi《柴斯特罗齐》 , which expressed his atheistic worldview 哥特式小说,无神论世界观 published Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire together with his sister Elizabeth finished Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson cooperated with Thomas Jefferson Hogg In 1811 published his second Gothic novel, St. Irvyne《圣安尔温》 wrote an anti-religious pamphlet called The Necessity of Atheism《无神论的必要》, which made him be expelled from the university 反宗教小册子 married Harriet on 28 August ;In 1816 met Byron Harriet drowned herself in Hyde Park lost his children’s guardianship married Mary Godwin In 1817, stayed at Marlow with John Keats In 1818, moved to Italy and formed “Satanic School” with Byron “魔鬼的学校” On 8 July 1822, less than a month before his 30th birthday, Shelley drowned in a sudden storm while sailing back from Livorno to Lerici in his schooner, was later buried in Rome. . ;Marriage;;Major works;Ode to the West Wind (1819) 《西风颂》 Prometheus Unbound (1819) 《解放了的普罗米修斯》 The Cenci(1819) 《倩契》 The Masque of Anarchy(1819) 《暴政的假面游行》 Men of England (1819) 《英格兰人》 ;The Philosophical View of Reform (1819) 《改革的哲学观》 The Cloud (1820) 《云》 To A Skylark (1820)《致云雀》 Ode To Liberty (1820)《自由颂》 Adonias: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats(1821)《阿多尼斯》 ;Prometheus Unbound;Ode to the West Wind;written in 1819 near Florence, Italy wanted his message of reform and revolution spread 传播改革和革命的思想 the wind becomes the trope for spreading the word of change through the poet-prophet figure 西风已经成了一种象征,它是一种无处不在的宇宙精神,一种打破旧世界,追求新世界的西风精神。诗人以西风自喻,表达了自己对生活的信念和向旧世界宣战的决心。 the poem e


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